Chapter 6 Queens Thoughts

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"You were totally right." I said stuff another mouth full of food in. "This is literally the best food I have ever tasted."

"I'm glad you like it." Peter smiled.

"Hey you shorted me." A familiar voice came from behind me.

"You weren't that good." A male voice said.

"Dick!" The female voice yelled. I turned and my eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing. One of my ladies in waiting.

"Hannah?" I called out.

Hannah turned and looked at me. A shocked expression on her face faded into anger. "Oh now you want to talk to me ?"

"Hanna what...what are you doing here ?!" I ran to her hugging her.

She pushed me away. "Like you don't know."

"I..I don't, what ever do you mean ?" I asked innocently.

"The king said you replaced us." She frowned at me. "We gave up our entire lives for you and you sent us on the street with nothing. Elly and I had to resort to working here. Selling ourselves."

"What!?" Tears streamed down my face. "I would never....The king he told me he sent you back. He didn't let me leave, this is the first I've been out of the castle in 5 years. I had no idea."

"You didn't know ?" Hannah's expression softened.

"No I would have sent for you at once if I did." I said through sobs. "Where are the others?"

"Georgina and Farrah both married. They were lucky enough to find farmers to take them in. Farrah has two children now. They are happy. Unfortunately Elly and I...we work here." Hannah replied.

"Not anymore, you are coming back to the castle with me. The old king is dead and I am queen now." I said.

Hanna embraced me. "My family....they don't know I still write to father expects me to still marry."

"I will make sure you are matched with a very rich man here." I said. "I am so so sorry, if only I would have known sooner."

"Now that I know the truth I do not blame you and I'm sorry I ever questioned you." Hanna sobbed. "I will go get Elly."

"I can't believe the king did this." I said in an angry voice

"I'm not shocked...but I am glad you are reunited. I just hope the king is okay with this." Peter shrugged.

"I have been in that castle for 5 years alone...if he kicks them out he kicks me out too." I replied. "Now let's get them and go back."

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