King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
Even though I knew it was selfish I was thankful Fiona had stopped wailing. I wasn't sure how much more I could take of her excessive cries of pain. Obviously I had never given birth but I can assure you, I will not sound like that when I do.
I also knew that the silence meant her baby had probably been born. Even though I too was with child I could not put my finger on why jealousy rose inside of me. I was annoyed she was still here and I was annoyed she was even blessed with a child. Someone that evil should not be a mother. Shaking my head I was angry with myself for I shouldn't have such nasty thoughts. My job as the Queen was to not only take care of everyone in my country but also the other royal family members. I could never change the fact that she was family. That we would never be able to escape each other. We had to some how come up with a way to coexist. Even if she didn't want too for my own sanity and moral heart I had too.
By Exiting my chamber i immediately bumped into Peter. "I am so sorry."
"No it's alright." Peter said glancing around the empty hallway. "It is I who should apologize to you for yesterday. I was beyond out of line to question you especially in-front of your guard. You are strong and capable and an amazing ruler of our country."
A smile pulled at my lips. "Thank you Peter." Not thinking I placed my hand on his.
He immediately pulled it from me and glanced around the hallway in worry. "I am off to figure out what is happening with this substance we found."
"You'll be gone ?" I asked pulling my eyebrows together into a frown.
"Yes for several weeks." Peter stated. My heart sunk for a reason I didn't know. I felt safe with Peter. The castle seemed lonely when my friend wasn't around.
"Please come back to me safe." I sounded more desperate then I meant too. I stole a longing glance at him and he returned it with a unreasonable expression.
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It seemed something in the air changed around us. I could feel it. Almost as if the atmosphere became heavy and yet the world faded around us. It was as if we were the only ones in the castle. As if I had no responsibility. I wasn't the Queen and he was not our head knight. Even all thought of my beloved King seemed to escape me. My thoughts felt fuzzy and my body began to burn with an unquenchable desire for Peter. My eyes traced the lines on his lips. The attraction I had for him seemed to grow with every second. But something was different. He too wasn't holding back his expression of desire for me any longer. He stepped towards me so slowly I could tell he was finding it hard to find any desire to resist our slow growing admiration for one another. His usual calm and composed demeanor now seemed to be melted into a full on display of passion. This wasn't like him, but at the moment I didn't question it.