King Silas and Queen Thea had wed for 5 years with no children. Rumors spread throughout the kingdom that Queen Thea was to blame but was that the truth? Betrayal, lust and sin fill the castle walls at every turn. Will a child be produce or will the...
"Silas is shipping Fiona and the baby away to their new kingdom tomorrow at sunrise on the Roseflower ship." I said in a low tone. Even though we were in the secret passage, I still didn't trust that my words wouldn't be heard. "Make sure you get there before sun rise to be able to leave undetected. Do you think you can get out on your own?"
"I got in here didn't I?" Felix chuckled.
"I wish you didn't have to go....I've missed you so much." I sighed.
"You will see me again. I promise." He said hugging me. "We can write each other under a fake name of course."
"You shall be....Miss Lix." I giggled.
"Miss Lix?" He asked scrunching his nose.
"Yeah...feLIX...fe...LIX. Miss Lix." I explained.
"Always the clever one with your made up tales." He chuckled. "I like it. I shall write to you. Under tbat name as soon as Fiona and I are settled."
I leaned in and hugged him for a long time. "I'm just so happy you are alive."
"'Me too." I could tell by his voice he was smiling. "Hey...can you tell Thea to try and come say goodbye ?"
I glanced to him reading his face. "She really is lovely isnt she?" His blush made me realize he too thought the same. "I think she would have been much happier with you...I watch a lot..Silas has really..ignored her. It's sad."
"She definitely deserved better then this kingdom I can tell you that..." he sighed. "But she's very lucky to have you here."
My stomach turned at his words as the thought of my looming proposal popped in my head. " did what you did...faked your death because you thought it best for our kingdom?"
He paused for a long moment "I thought it best for the world."
"So you always choose duty then?" I asked trying to not be obvious about why I was asking.
"I believe your heart always lays with your true duty. When you listen to will guide you on life's path." He stated.
I pondered his words for a few moments. "I love Silas...but you would have been a great King too. I love you. Look after our nephew and don't let Fiona ruin the other kingdom. Safe travels dear brother."
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Felix's words swirled around in my head as I made my way out to the stables. I had to see Daniel. I needed to see his face before Edmund found me. I needed to know I was making the right decision.
A heavy wet snow was falling from the sky. I immediately was drenched and cold. Hurrying to the barn I wished I had grabbed a coat. But I suddenly no longer felt the ice on my skin as my eyes set on Daniel. He of course was brushing my horse. Always careful to feed her and brush her. His strong hands pushed the brush through her hair effortlessly. My eyes followed his back muscles as they worked the body of my horse. Again I wondered where my childhood friend had disappeared too. My heart was in my throat. I felt as if butterflies had engulfed my stomach. Part of me longed for the innocence we once shared. He used to be so easy to approach. The other part wanted nothing more but these feelings to linger forever.
He turned to smile his wonderful smile at me. How I wished I could pause this moment to never forget the way he looked at me. I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lit up at my appearance. I didn't have to have a mirror in front of me to know mine were doing the same.
Without a word, I ran to him. He dropped the brush in his hand to embrace me. My feet lifted off the ground he held me up as if I weighed nothing.
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Setting me down gently his lips crashed into mine. There was more passion in this kiss then our first. A slow burning desire that had bubbles to the surface. The kind of deep rooted feeling I had only read about in all my fairytales. The confirmation I needed to know although he did not wear a crown....he was my Prince Charming.