Incorrect quotes- 57

540 25 18

Scar: is it hot in here or is it just me?

Cub: it's just you

Scar, blushing: w-wait do you mean like-

Cub: mean what?

Cleo, whispering to Scar: FRIENDZONEEEED


False, to zed: Don't let anyone ruin your day.

False: it's YOUR day.

False: Ruin it yourself.

Zedaph, wiping a tear: truly motivational


Joe: how do you like your steak cooked?

Mumbo: like winning an argument with Stress

Joe: rare it is


Iskall: Welcome to Applebee's once again! Can I take your order?

Iskall: Or do you need a few minutes to reflect on the mistakes you made in life that led you here?


Doc: you ok?

Ren, crying: yes it's just these onions



False: I'm still at McDonald's waiting for my waffle while doc and bdubs insult eachother

False: remind me not to interfere because those roasts can literally damage you

Etho: and end your career


Impulse: Everyone was ignoring me all day

Impulse: They ask you how you are and you have to say you're fine

Impulse: when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it... again


Ex: False over there waiting for her waffle and I'm still waiting for this stupid milk bottle to reach the date on it so I can eat my cereal


Beef: I love the way you lie~

Etho: *crackes knuckles* nobody is aloud to sing without everyone else taking the lyrics seriously, so prepare yourself

xB: yes, but how do you even know they're lying?

Hypno, crashing through the roof: why would you even love the way they lie?! Are you okay beef should we take you to the hospital? No I mean the doctor-

Jevin, entering the room casually: Beef is a liar confirmed. Nobody loves being lied to.

Wels, backing out of the room slowly: I shall not tell y'all Beef was singing a song because I find this conversation very interesting and somehow entertaining, so please do continue.


Iskall: I got fired from Applebee's for no reason!

-2 hours earlier-

Customer on phone: Is this Applebee's?

Iskall: No, this is Iskall. *Hangs up*

Customer 2 on phone: Hello? Is this Applebee's?

Iskall: No! This is Iskall! *Hangs up*

Customer 3 on phone: Is this Applebee's? I'd like a-


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