Incorrect quotes- 60

546 26 39

Just realized there's 3 ZIT (Zedaph, impulse, tango) incorrect quotes here and they're pretty long. So if you see a lot of those I didn't notice until writing them here xD


Ren: Nothing rhymes with orange.

Iskall: Haha no.

Iskall: You're wrong, nothing and orange do not rhyme.

Ren: No I mean no word rhymes with orange.

Iskall: *sigh* no word and orange also don't rhyme.

Ren: I meant-

Ren: nevermind.



Hels: I am here for you

Wels: Thanks, I'm going through a lot and I do need someone to talk to

Hels: Uhh...sorry to ruin the moment but

Hels: im here to pick you up from school

Wels: oh


Tango: Impulse, what do idk, ly, and ttyl stand for?

Impulse: I don't know, love you, talk to you later

Tango: ok then, I'll ask zedaph

Tango: hey zed, what do idk, ly, and ttyl stand for?

Zedaph: I don't know, love you, talk to you later

Tango: seriously? again? Fine I'll ask bdubs

Tango: Tell me please. What do idk, ly, and ttyl stand for?!

Bdubs: uhh I don't know, love you, and talk to you later


Impulse: how many times will he have to ask until he realizes?

Zedaph: a good 30 minutes I say

Bdubs: let's hope nobody messes this up


False: why does no one ever ask me to hang out

-1 hour ago-

Cleo: wanna go to the park later on today?

False: Generic excuse

Cleo: Did you just say "generic excuse"?


Stress: Etho stop procrastinating, go do your homework

Etho: I don't procrastinate

Etho: I wait until the last minute to do things because I will be older, therefore wiser


Stress, hopping on a bed: TIME TO PROCRASTINATE


Impulse: Take your medicine tango.

Tango: no I don't wanna!

Impulse: Did you like that icecream?

Tango: uhh yeah, what are you getting at?

Impulse: it was poisoned. You'll be dead in a matter of minutes.

Tango, mouth wide open:

Impulse: Wow! I just found some medicine to stop you from dying!

Tango: *drinks all of it*

Keralis, whispering to Impulse: I said to convince him to take his medicine with icecream, but not that way!

Impulse: But it worked!


Keralis: You...have a point


Cleo: Watch this, I'm gonna teleport home

Cleo: *clicks home button on phone*

False: wait what how did she disappear?!

Stress: Now I realize why it's called the "home" button *clicks it and disappears*

False: Wait for me don't leave me at prison!!!

Mumbo: actually it's called school.

False: exactly. School is prison.

Mumbo: no school isn't p-

False, pulling out a sword: you don't wanna start this


Cleo: to all you "motivational" poem writers and speakers, I need to tell you something.

Cleo: A lot of you say "life is short" but that's figuratively and literally wrong.

Cleo: Plus saying life is short will un-motivate people. So think before you speak.

Cleo: You have the ability to help people you motivational speakers, just do it correctly. If you try and not give up, you can do it.

Joe: you just went from hating on motivational speakers to motivating them yourself. I don't know wether to be confused or proud


Zedaph: I'd rather jump out a window than date tango

Tango: OH YEAH? *throws zed out the window*

Impulse, recording the whole thing: oh shoot I have to escape before tango-

Tango: Impulse, do you wanna date me?

Impulse: Uhh...about that...

Tango: I'll take that as a no *yeets Impulse out the window*

False: Etho you might wanna hide

Etho: wait...are you saying-


(This one includes a non hermit, sorry if you don't know them. Also this actually happened it's not really an incorrect quote XD)

-In Among Us-

Brody: I killed Etho, in gonna say it out loud. I killed him because every time I'm near him, he sees me in a vent.

Brody: Every time. He deserves to die.

Bdubs: That was dark

Etho: *nervous laughing*

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