Incorrect quotes- 44

637 31 22

Tango: I just realized something...

Tango: Soft tacos are burritos.

Impulse: what no-


Impulse: no that doesn't make any sense-


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*Movie ends*

Scar: AGAIN!!

Cub; Welp, I'm gonna be here a while

-10 movies later-

Scar: That was fun. Right Cub?

Scar: Cub? Where'd you go?

Scar: *looks out window*

Scar: It's already nighttime?!

*checks watch*

Scar:'s 3AM

Scar, hopping back on the couch: Scary movie time!!!

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Joe, walking into a room that has "Your next" written on the wall with blood:

Joe: *gasps*


Joe, fixing it to "You're next": Perfection.

Okay so, for the rest of this incorrect quotes chapter, I'm gonna make incorrect quotes based off how the hermits will react to someone robbing them. Kinda like head cannons, but not really lol

Joe, the philosopher
Ex: Give me all your money or I'll-

Joe: But what is money? Is a money a source of-

Ex: *walks away before he has to take a philosophy class*

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False, always prepared with an uno reverse card in her pocket
Ex: Hand over all your money!

False: *Pulls out uno reverse card*

Ex, giving False his wallet and gun: Okay, you got me there.

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Bdubs, the reverse psychology-er
Ex: Give me your wallet!!!

Bdubs: Ok. *Hands over*

Ex: Wait really?

Bdubs: Yeah you asked for it

Ex: No you weren't supposed to do that

Ex: Here, have my wallet.

Bdubs: I don't want your wallet.

Bdubs: or your phone, I don't want it

Ex: Here is my phone

Bdubs: I don't want keys

Ex: Here are my car keys.

Bdubs: I don't want you to go to the police station and pay for your crimes.

Ex: I'll go to the police station and pay for my crimes. Wait-

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Stress, the grammar expert

Ex: Give money! Now!

Stress: Hold up, that's not right

Stress: You're forgetting to add a pronoun...

Ex: Well I- what do I say?

Stress: You see, if you say, "Give ME your money, please."

Stress: You'll make it more clear to the person you're robbing.

Ex: Okay then, give me your money please.



Ex: Give me your money, please.

Stress, handing over her wallet: See, it works

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Cleo, makes friends with the robber
Ex: Phone, now-

Cleo: There's a spider on you!

Ex: wHeRe?!

Cleo: *snatches gun*

Ex: wait I'm sorry don't-

Cleo: Too late

Cleo: *shoots spider*

Ex: oh, thanks

Cleo: anytime

Cleo: so what's up?

Ex: not much, just robbing people cuz why not

Cleo: hey wanna go to the movie theatre?

Ex, forgetting he was supposed to be robbing Cleo: sure thanks, I'll order pizza

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Ex: Gimme your money now

Iskall: ew get away from me, you dress like a diorite lover

Ex:...just give me the damn money

Iskall: yuck stay away diorite lover!

Ex: *sighs*

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Ex: Phone, money, now!

Scar: wow, is this a dream? Can I fly?

Ex: no-

Scar, slapping Ex: hHahahhHah this is a dream I can do whatever I want HhahahHhaha

Ex: *sighs*

Ex: you know what, I'm not gonna be babysitting I'm outta here

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