Chapter 31

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 also sorry for any inaccuracies in my book.

Your POV

Today is the sports festival and I'm so nervous. I don't know if I want to go to school today. I'm sure I'll just mess something up. Oh god what if I trip over nothing in front of everyone. I spent the next 20 minutes freaking out and slowly putting on my uniform. I look around my room and make sure I have everything in my bag. Then I sit on my bed and contemplate my life choices for about another 10 minutes before Niko yelled at me to hurry up before I'm late.

I sighed defeatedly before standing up and grabbing my things. I went down to the kitchen where I grab an apple and start eating. I can't eat too much today for breakfast or I'll end up throwing up from nervousness. I studied what Niko was wearing shocked she was wearing something other than black and grey. She was wearing a cream colored sweater, a light pink infinity scarf, some light blue jeans, some pink tennis shoes and some jewelry. The jewelry consisted of a gold heart ring, some pearl earrings, and a pink and clear rhinestone bracelet. Her hair was up in a messy bun.

I then studied Riko to see what she was wearing since neither of them could wear the uniform. She was wearing a black adidas jumpsuit with a light pink crop top. She also had black adidas socks and some white shoes. She was wearing some bracelets. Two were just silver bands and one was black leather with silver buckles. Her hair wasn't styled. Once I was ready, we went to the car and got in. And by we I mean all of us. Niko and Riko included. They said something about really wanting to see how this turned out. Great more people to potentially see me make a big fool of myself in front of everyone.

We sit in silence for the entirety of the car ride. I think they knew how nervous I was. When we got to school, Niko gave me an encouraging hug before we split up. Me going to my classes and them going to the teachers lounge. I walked to class 1-A lost in thought jolting back to reality when I ran into Mr. Aizawa. I fell rather ungracefully on my butt earning some snickers from surrounding students. They stopped when they got a death glare from the best teacher ever.

"Thank you Mr. Aizawa," I say as he extends his hand for me to take.

"No problem, L/n," he responds monotonously.

We walk together the rest of the way to class. The bell rings a second before I walk in. I quickly run to my seat and look at the door. Aizawa waltzes in after I sit with a playful smirk in my direction. I instantly get a bad feeling when he opens his mouth to speak.

"You're late L/n. Detention," he says with a smug face.

"I was only a few seconds late," I protest. "Besides you were later than I was."

"So? I'm the teacher. I get to be late."

We banter back and forth for a couple of minutes before I slam my hand into the desk making everyone jump and proclaim loudly, "You know what? I'm just gonna come out and say it. I don't care that you broke your elbow."

Aizawa looks shocked at my outburst before doing that evil smile of his and replying, "In that case, you now have two detentions."

I gasp dramatically and respond, "I bet your mother bought you mega blocks instead of legos."

For the life of me I did not expect what he did next. He slammed both his hands on his podium thing and screamed, "You take that back!"

I couldn't take anything back because I was laughing too hard. Some of the class laughed with me. Some looked at us like we were on drugs. And the rest just looked down right confused. Every time I tried to talk, I looked back at him and started a new round of giggles. He was staring at me with an amused look on his face.

He then explained how the sports festival would go while I was still laughing my ass off. I didn't really need to listen to him anyway. I already knew everything I needed to know. He then made us all go change into our gym clothes before taking us to where we needed to go. As we waited for the sports festival to start, a terrifying thought popped into my head.

Did I forget to feed Bubbles before I left?

Niko POV

"This is what I was wearing (the left one):

"This is what I was wearing (the left one):

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And this is what my sis is wearing:

 And this is what my sis is wearing:

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