Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry if anything isn't completely accurate. I haven't watched the beginning in a while.

Your POV

After walking into UA, Izuku tripped and almost fell but was caught by Uraraka before he could hit the ground. For the second time today, I tried and failed to not laugh. Izuku blushed and talked to Uraraka for about a minute before she saw my red face from laughing so hard.

"Hey Y/n-Chan. I didn't know you were going to go to UA."

"Yeah. I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well it is a surprise. Anyway I'll see you guys later." She said as she waved goodbye.

"You know her?" Izuku asked after she left.

"Yeah. I met her a couple of months ago. Her name is Ochako Uraraka."

"She seems nice."

"She is. We hung out a couple of times when I wasn't training."

While we were talking, Bakugou came up behind us and started yelling at Izuku for being in front of him. Izuku started stuttering about how he didn't know that he was behind him. I snorted which made Bakugou turn his attention to me.

"What are you doing with this nerd?" He asked as he pinched my cheeks.

"He's my best friend. Why wouldn't I be with him?"

"I'm your best friend?" Izuku asked shocked.

"Yup," I smiled at him. "Anyway we should go so we're not late"

As we started walking to the auditorium, Bakugou asked, "Why are you wearing that uniform? I never saw you at school."

I decided the best plan of action was to just ignore him. I don't have an excuse anyway. Bakugou got increasingly angry every time I ignored him or tried to change the subject. Finally, we made it to the auditorium where I was sitting to the left of Izuku with Bakugou on my right. Why am I in the middle?

After a couple of minutes, Present Mic came in and did his whole trying to get people to yell with him. Unexpectedly someone actually yelled this time. I couldn't see who it was or where it came from but it was louder the second time.

???? POV

"Honestly I just felt bad for the man. Someone had to."

Your POV

Present Mic then started to explain the way the practical exam worked. Halfway through Iida got up and did his hand choppy motions while complaining to Izuku about being a distraction. He then asked about the fourth robot in the exam. While all this was going on, I zoned out because I already knew all the details.

Izuku, Bakugou, and I all were in different arenas. We went to get changed into workout clothes. I was wearing black sweatpants and a black zip up jacket. I went to my arena and started stretching before the exam started. While stretching someone bumped into me, which made me fall.

"Oops," a tired voice said.

I looked up to see a guy with tired eyes and light purple hair. Omg!! It's Hitoshi Shinso! I love this guy. I stare at him with wide eyes while freaking out on the inside. He looks at me, sighs, and offers his hand. I take his hand.

"Thanks Shinsooo......oops,"

He looked at me through narrowed eyes, "How do you know my name?"

"Well...I...uhm" before I could say anything the exam started so I naruto ran away from him.

"Wait," he yelled after me.

I'm so stupid.

???? POV

"It's not 100% your fault. olsoninnovation gave me the idea 😂"

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