Chapter 32

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Your POV

Did I remember to feed Bubbles?

I thought back and to my horror I remembered that I did not in fact feed Bubbles. I start mentally beating myself up because what kind of monster forgets to feed their lord and savior? I then frantically trying to contact Niko cause she can use her quirk to go to All Might's house and feed Bubbles. It took awhile but I finally got through.

Hey Niko. Can you go feed Bubbles?


Why not?

Because I fed her before we left

Oh thank the lord. I was so nervous this morning I forgot to see if she was fed 

I know

After I was finished with my mental conversation, I looked around to see Izu muttering to himself. I can practically see the words floating around him as he's saying them. I was about to go ask him what he was thinking about but Kacchan got to him first. He started screaming at him to shut up because he was annoying. Obviously, I was not about to let that go down.

I march up to Kacchan and grabbed his ear before screaming, "You're in time out. Get on top of the fridge!"

With out missing a beat, Kacchan climbed on top of a table and hollered back, "This house is a fucking nightmare!"

For the second time today, I laugh so hard I fall to the floor. The others are all looking at us like we are on crack. We aren't. I promise. Anyway back to the story. We head into the giant arena where Present Mic announces the beginning of the U.A. Sports Festival. Each Class gets introduced before he explains that Midnight is the chief referee. Once she is finished with her introduction, she calls Kacchan up to say the student pledge. I know he isn't going to say the student pledge, but they don't.

I try to keep a straight face as he uses the attention to announce to the world that he will win the festival. As soon as those words leave his mouth, the other students start booing him. I just roll my eyes at his stupidity. Midnight stands speechless for a few seconds before revealing the festival's first game: the Obstacle Race. She explains that all eleven classes must race four kilometers around the outside of the festival stadium throughout an obstacle course. Students are permitted to use their Quirks as much as they like as long as they don't leave the course.

I make my way to the front of a large corridor that leads outside the stadium. I look around to see if I'm standing next to anyone I know. I was one of the lucky ones who was standing next to Kacchan. Once the countdown to the start of the race ended, most of the students in front of me raced forward and got jam-packed together. I was smort. I decided to wait til it thinned out a bit. It's a good thing I did because Todoroni used his quirk to freeze the feet of mostly everyone else. Luckily for me, the ice didn't reach me.

Once I deemed it safe to do so, I skipped through the corridor humming my favorite song. When I reached the other side, I noticed the robots from the entrance exam including the really big ones. I didn't worry though. My quirk allows me to just walk past them. So I do. I skip along past frozen students who look at me like I'm crazy. A robot goes to attack me, but stops when I use my quirk to yeet it away from me.

I pass the rest of the robots with ease making the robots freeze while I pass then releasing them so they can still attack other students. Eventually, I reached the next obstacle. I stop for a second to form a plan across the pit. I see some metal chains and I use my quirk to have them grab me and yeet me across like the robot from earlier. I skip along to the next obstacle still humming a song. This is much easier than I expected.

I halt at the final obstacle: the minefield. I can see Todoroki and Kacchan racing in front of me along with a bunch of other random students. Since I can sense the mines because they are made of some kind of metal, I just skipped through the minefield happily humming a new song. The students around me look at me like I'm insane. The smarter ones start trying to follow in my footsteps because they could see I knew what I was doing. I didn't stop when I hear an explosion. There goes Izu.

I see him on a piece of a robot flying towards the finish line. Todoroki makes an ice path to catchup while Kacchan explodes his way to Izu. Once I get to the ice path, I full on sprint so the students following me don't pass me. Somehow I don't slip while running on the ice and no one passes me. When I make it to the finish line, I dramatically fall to the ground trying to catch my breath. Izu and Kacchan come up to me to see if I'm ok.

I catch my breath and stand up with the help of both Izu and Kacchan. I smile at them. Midnight reveals which forty-two students pass to the next event. Unsurprisingly, I pass, but surprisingly to me I am in the tenth spot. She then explains to everyone that point values are assigned to each student depending on where they finished in the race. Since Izu came in first, he was assigned a total of ten million points making him a desirable target for everyone. Well, except me of course. I then waited patiently for the next event to start.

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