Chapter 23

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 I truly appreciate everyone's nice comments.

Your POV

When I woke up, I asked the doctors when I'd be able to go back to school. They told me I would have to stay in the hospital until they were 100% sure I wouldn't have anymore internal bleeding. I asked how long that would be but they said they didn't know yet. They brought me some food for me to eat. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I finished eating, I texted the group chat to tell them the news.

Class 1-A Group

Da Pimp: I will be probably
in the hospital for a while.
I nominate Iida to take over
as Class Representative
because I am unable to do so.

After I texted that to the group, I got a text from Niko saying that she will be visiting soon and she will bring a surprise guest with her. I tried to text her back to tell her not to come but for some reason the texts wouldn't deliver. I sighed and then it dawned on me. How'd she get my number?

Niko POV

"She's on to me"

Your POV

A little while later, a doctor came in and told me that I had some visitors and asked if I was up to see them. I asked her who it was and she told me it was my sister and my best friend. I don't have a sister tho. I was curious as to who it was so I told her they could come in. In came Niko with a smug look while dragging a reluctant Shinso behind her.

"Sup sis. How's it going?" She asked.

"Drop the act. You're not my sister and what is he doing here?" I shot back at her.

"He came to apologize to you," she said with a smile.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For not believing you when you told me you were from a different universe," Shinso interjected.

"So you believe me now?"

"Yeah. Niko showed me proof," he explained.

"What proof?" I questioned.

"She—" he started.

"It doesn't matter," Niko interrupted. "All that matters is that now he believes you. So now you guys can be besties."

"I don't want to be besties," he said nonchalantly.

"You don't?" I asked in a hurt tone.

"I mean. Unless you want to,"

"I WANT TO!" I yelled at him.

"Desperate much?" Niko snorted.

"Shut up. I love this man," I said defensively. 


"I forgot he was here," I whispered to Niko.

"You know for someone who said she loves him, you sure do forget about him a lot," she whispered back.

"Shut up. It was one time," I replied.

"You guys know I can still hear you right?"

I looked guiltily at him, "Now I do."

We talked for a couple of hours. The doctor came back in and asked Niko and Shinso to leave soon because visiting times were almost over. They waved goodbye and Niko promised to give food and water to Bubbles while I was in the hospital. I thanked her and told her not to eat all my food.

I was alone for a couple of minutes before I decided to check the group chat. Before I could, a doctor came in and said that I had one more visitor. The visitor was the one and only All Might. He apologized for taking so long to come and see me and said that he had something important to talk about.

"What do you need to talk about?" I inquired.

"Well, Young L/n, I was thinking that if it's ok with you I would like to adopt you," he said nervously.

"You want to adopt me?" I asked in shock. "But why?"

"Because Young L/n for the few months that I've known you I've learned that you are an amazing young lady who works hard. I want to make sure you have someone who cares about you who can take care of you when you need it."

He said much more than that but to be honest I stopped listening after a while, "It's fine with me."

"I understand if you don't want to Young L/n," he said sadly.

"All Might I just said it's fine with me," I giggled.

"Really?" He asked ecstatically. "I'll go get started on the paperwork!"

He excitedly stood up, gave me a quick hug, and rushed out of the room. I smiled at his enthusiasm. He looked so happy. I looked at the time and decided that since it was 9:00 I would go to sleep early and check the group chat tomorrow. I was still a little tired from all that happened. I slowly drifted off to sleep listening to the beeps of the machines and the murmurs of the doctors.

???? POV

"I got kicked out of our apartment because you didn't pay your half of the rent. ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
Thanks a lot Niko ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻"

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