Chapter 16

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An: Thank you to everyone who read and voted for my book 😊 also sorry for any inaccuracies. I haven't watched Bnha in a while 😓

Your POV

All throughout class, my stomach was grumbling. I prayed that no one else could hear it. This is all your fault Niko. Inviting yourself into my home and distracting me from eating my breakfast.

My bad. Do you want me to bring you some food?

Yes pls

Aight then. Meet me in the bathroom closest to Class 1-A.

Why the bathroom?

I'm not supposed to be in UA since I don't go there

Oh. I'm on my way

I asked Mr. Aizawa if I could be excused to use the bathroom. He sighed and said I could but I had to be quick about it. I thanked him and quickly left the class and booked it to the bathroom. Once I got in there, I saw Niko still in her pjs standing with some soba in her hands.

"Sorry you have to eat in the bathroom," she said apologetically.

"It's fine. At least I get food," I say as I grab the soba out of her hands and slurp it down. How'd she get in anyway?

"Don't eat too fast or you'll choke," she warns as I start choking from eating too fast

"Thanks for the warning," I reply sarcastically.

"No problem. Anyway you might want to go back soon or they'll get suspicious."

"Ok," I say finishing what I had left of the soba.

After I finish, she takes the bento box back and says goodbye. Before I could ask how she was gonna leave, a warp gate opened and she smiled at me waving goodbye while walking through. I guess that's how she got in.

I snap out of my thoughts and make my way (downtown) back to class. I walk in and everyone looks at me. Why do they all have to look at me? I sit back down and turn my attention back to the lesson. Mr. Aizawa explained that after lunch we would be taught by All Might at a fake city. Where do they get all the money for all those fake cities anyway?

Beats me

He also said we could use our new hero costumes to try them out. Wait. Do I even have a hero costume? I don't remember ever making one.

Don't worry. I took the liberty of making one for you.

Really? Thanks.

No problem

What does it look like?

You'll see

Niko POV

"I didn't actually make one yet. Oops. Someone help me pls 😭"

Your POV

For the rest of the class, I sat in a daze wondering about my costume. Hopefully it's good. I wasn't paying attention to the class so hopefully there wasn't any thing important being said. When it was finally time for lunch, I went up to Izu and asked him if he wanted to eat with me. Of course he said yes.

We sat down at a table. As soon as we did, Kacchan, Ochachan, Eiji, Mina, and Kaminari all came over saying they were gonna eat with me too. Wow. I feel popular. When lunch was over, we went back to class. We were told to grab the cases with our costumes, get changed, and meet up at the fake city. I wonder what my costume looks like.

An (2): If you have any suggestions for your costume, dm me a drawing or a description pls. I need ideas 😢

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