Side Story: Going on a Date

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 I hope you like this chapter. Also the costume results will be revealed in the next chapter. I never proofread my chapter cuz I'm lazy so I'm pretty sure there are some mistakes if you could just ignore them that'd be great 😁

Your POV

I woke up ready to sleep in all day snuggling under my warm covers. The universe apparently had a different plan because Niko came bursting into my room excitedly holding some kinda papers in her hand. She started shaking me when I didn't immediately get up. I groaned and tried swatting her hand away to no avail.

"Get up Sleepy head!" She screeched in my ears.

"No! Go away!" I yell back putting my hands over my ears.

"But I won some tickets to go to the zoo," she whined.


"I wanted to go with you. Pretty please," she asked giving me puppy eyes.

"Fine," I sighed. "Let me get dressed. What time are we going?"

"3:30" she responded with a smile.

Niko skipped happily out of my room humming a familiar song I couldn't remember the name of. I glanced at my phone to see that it was 1:45.  I sighed and dragged myself out of my perfectly warm bed to get dressed. I rummage through my closet to find something nice to wear. I finally pick a black pair of skinny jeans, a red long sleeved shirt with white stripes on the sleeves, and a trusty pair of black converse.* 

Once dressed, I made sure that I didn't look too terrible in the mirror. Since I know nothing of makeup, I just put on some chapstick and lotion to make sure that I don't turn out like Mr. Crusty Boi. I walked into the living room to see Niko wearing a long sleeved top with a rainbow across the front, black short shorts, fishnets socks, and some kind of boot converse shoes. She also had on two rainbow braided bracelets.* She had her long hair styled in two French braids. In other words, she looked hot. Wait, did I really say Niko was hot?

I blush and realized that I had been staring at her for a while now. I quickly look away in hopes she didn't catch me looking at her like she was a snacc. I tried looking around for Riko, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Is something wrong?" Niko asked in concern.

"I was just wondering where Riko was," I said back.

"Oh. She's at a friend's house and All Might is working so it looks like it'll just be us today," she smiled.

"Oh. Ok."

So this'll be like a date?

If you'd like it to be

I forgot you could read minds

Everyone does

I go red as I realize she probably heard me call her hot. She snorted and urged me to hurry up so we could see all the cute animals. I obliged and quickly grabbed my phone and wallet. Niko made a portal and we walked through to the front gate of the zoo. Niko showed them our passes and they gave us a wristband so they knew we were legit.

"Lets go see the penwins!" Niko excitedly screamed grabbing my arm and jumping up and down like a child.

"Penwins?" I asked confused.

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