Chapter 19

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An: Thank you for reading my story :) Also here is the link to my discord for those who are interested:

Your POV

"Did I just hear you correctly? I can't die."

"Yup. I can't kill off the main character now can I?" She says while giving a knowing look at nothing.

"What do you mean main character? And what are you looking at? There's nothing there," I respond attempting to see what she's looking at.

"I mean you're the main character. What part of that do you not understand?" She answers while completely ignoring the second question.

"But why am I the main character?"

"Because I say so. Now stop asking dumb questions and go to bed. You have a big day tomorrow."

I sigh and realize that she's right. Tomorrow if I'm not mistaken is when UA gets attacked. I should probably get a good nights sleep. As I'm leaving to go to bed, I see Niko smirking at me like she knew something I didn't about tomorrow. I decide to just shrug it off and go to bed.

???? POV

"I'm baaack......Where'd she go?"

Niko POV

"Achoo. Who's talking about me?"

Your POV

The next day I woke up refreshed and ready for anything that came my way. Probably. I got up and put on my uniform messily putting on my tie. Good enough. I went to get some breakfast and noticed that Niko had already made some food. She made eggs, bacon, and toast. When she noticed me and my messy tie, she giggled and fixed my tie before telling me to eat.

"Why did you make me food?" I inquired starting to eat.

"Because you're letting me live in your house. The least I can do is make you food." She told me looking very guilty.

"What did you do?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her.

"Nothing......yet," she squirmed under the intensity of my gaze.

"What do you mean yet?" I say as I finish my food.

"Oh, would you look at the time. If you don't leave out now, you'll be late," she nervously said.

Keeping my eyes narrowed, I grabbed my stuff and put on my shoes, "If I find out you did something, imma kick you out."

After I said that, I quickly walked out the door locking it behind me and started walking to UA. Arriving at UA, I saw the gigantic mass of reporters stopping any student trying to get in. When I got to them, they all started talking to me at once asking about All Might teaching. I snapped and yelled at them for about 10 minutes telling them how rude they are being by standing in front of the front gate to where no one can get in. I also threatened to kill all of them if they didn't get out of everyone's way. When I finally made it to class, I was 5 minutes late.

"Why are you late?" Aizawa asked tiredly.

"I uh may or may not have yelled at the reporters and threatened to kill em all," I responded sheepishly.

"Hell yeah. That's what I'm talking about," Kacchan cheered.

"I need to stop hanging out with you so much. You're rubbing off on me." I say while walking to my desk.

"You know you like me," he said cockily.

"Do I tho?" I giggle and sit down.

Mr. Aizawa sighs and continues with class telling everyone that after lunch we would be going to the USJ for disaster rescue training, but before that we would choose the class representatives. I voted for Iida giving him a total of one vote. Somehow I got a total of five votes. It turns out Izu, Ochachan, Mina, Denki, and Eiji voted for me. That was unexpected. Momo was still the other one. At least that didn't change.

During lunch, Monoma came up to where we were sitting and went on his little rant about how Class 1-B was better than Class 1-A. While he was talking, Niko came out of no where wearing a UA uniform and John Cena'd his ass then disappeared. I tried not to laugh but failed which resulted in Iida lecturing me about how that's not how a future hero should act.

I had too. He annoys me

Where did you get the uniform?

I borrowed on of yours. Don't worry I'll wash it

During the rest of lunch, everyone speculated on who the mysterious lady was who decked Monoma. I kept quiet because unlike them I knew who it was. While this was happening, the alarm went off making everyone else panic and start running. Iida floated up to the doorway and told everyone to calm down and that it was just reporters.

We went back to class to grab our hero costumes to change into. When we all got changed, we got on the bus that would take us to the USJ. I wonder how this will work out.

???? POV

"No seriously where did she go?"

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