Chapter 35

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Your POV

That was brutal.

Soon it was time for the second round of battles. This time around it was Izu vs Todoroki, Iida vs Shiozaki, me vs Tokoyami, and Kacchan vs Eiji. Izu and Todoroki make their way to the stage as President Michele introduced them. Why he felt the need to introduce them when everyone watching probably already knows who they are is beyond me. Anywho while I was watching them walk out, I overheard Iida ask Tokoyami who he thought would win. As Tokoyami answered, I zoned out wondering if it would go like the anime or change somehow due to me being here. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Niko scream out again.

"SHOTOOOOOOOO!!!" She screeched impersonating the pro-hero which resulted in yet another smack to the back of the head from Riko.

"You're gonna get us kicked out," she scolded earning a whine from Niko.

"But this is my fanfic—" she started to say but was cut off by, you guessed it, a smack to the back of the head.

Fanfic what now?

Uh...nothing. Don't worry about it

Well now I'm gonna worry about it

Your loss

I sighed and turned my attention back to the battle which was almost over. I payed attention just in time to see Izu tell Todoroki that it's his quirk and not his jerk of a fathers. Todoroki does his flame thing, he sends the ice at Izu, Midnight and that other guy whose name I can never remember for some odd reason try and stop them but are unsuccessful, then the smoke clears and surprise surprise Izu is out of bounds and unconscious. I swear I think that boy has a broken bone kink sometimes.

Since I know I won't be able to see him til after his surgery, I decide to just stay seated to watch the next round which is kinda fast and boring compared to some of the others. Shiozaki starts the match by attacking from a distance with her vines. Iida immediately runs behind Ibara in a flash. He then grabs Shiozaki's shoulders and swiftly runs towards the edge and pushes her out of bounds. Iida is declared the winner.

It's my turn to fight against Tokoyami and to be honest I don't know how I'm gonna pull it off. I mean, I'm a decent fighter well better than Mineta anyway. Speaking of Mineta I haven't seen him at all today. I wonder why?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That face again?

I distractedly walk down to the arena and into the middle still wondering what I'm gonna do. Like last time, before the battle started Niko's portal appeared and she stepped out still wearing the cheerleader uniform* but this time Riko was with her wearing the same thing. Niko looked kinda smug as she and her sister did a cheer for me. It was different from last time. Tokoyami gave me a look to which I just shrugged unsure of what to say. Once they were done, they went back to the commenter box via Niko's portal. Midnight looked so done and started our battle.

I had a plan this time and it was don't die. He started attacking, but I was good at dodging thanks to a certain angry Pomeranian's training. I kept dodging his attacks unsure of how long I could keep it up. Probably not too long cause I'm already getting tired. Then a new plan came to me. I have no idea if it'll work, but it's worth a shot. I took off my left shoe and threw it out of bounds while I screamed fetch. Dark Shadow took the bait and went after it. He ended up dragging Tokoyami out of bounds with him to get the shoe.

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