Side Chapter: Emma McBride

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 KitKatAndCrazy asked me to put her oc in my book. If you want me to put your oc in my book, dm me the info and I'll make you your very own side chapter. :)

Somewhere in America

Today's the day. I'm finally going to Japan to attend Shiketsu High School. That's why I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to arrive. I would have gone to UA High School, but they get attacked by villains every other day it seems. I want to be able to focus on my hero training and not be worried about when the next villain attack would be.

After waiting for another hour, my flight finally arrived. I grabbed my carry on bags and headed to the gate. Once I got though the gate, I boarded the plane and found my seat. I paid extra to get a window seat because I like to watch the sights go by. I sat down and got comfortable plugging in my earphones and playing my Spotify playlist.

It took 13 hours to finally get to Japan. I was reading and listening to my music until my phone died and I had to plug it in. I decided to sleep the rest of the way so I wasn't too tired when I got there. I woke up just as the plane was landing. I quickly stuffed my belongings back into my bag and got off the plane. I went and grabbed the rest of my luggage.

There was a family that agreed to let me stay with them until I graduated and became a full fledged hero. I looked around to find the person holding up a sign with my name on it like I was told. It took awhile, but I was finally able to find them. It looked like the whole family had come. The family consisted of a mom, dad, and a little boy. Studying them I started to become nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they decide they don't want me there? Where else would I go if I couldn't stay there?

As these thoughts ran through my head, I didn't notice the family of three making a beeline for me. Once they got to me they started to introduce themselves effectively snapping me out of my thoughts. The mothers name was Emiko Takahashi, the fathers name was Akito Takahashi, and their sons name was Haruto Takahashi. When they finished introducing themselves, I introduced myself even though they already knew who I was. They were given a picture of me with my information before I even got here.

They guided me to their car before driving to their house. Their house had two floors. My room was on the second floor right across from Haruto's room. My room consisted of a twin sized bed, a nightstand next to the bed, a dresser, a desk, and a chair. I went into my room to get settled in and put my stuff away. While I was unpacking, Emiko came in my room to give me my new Shiketsu uniform.

I tried it on to make sure it fit. The last thing I needed was to have a uniform that was too big or small to make me look like a complete fool. Luckily for me, it fit perfectly. I have to wear a white collared shirt and a black skirt along with a blue and orange uniform hat. My uniform also includes a dark jacket with the Shiketsu logo printed on the collar. According to Aikito, students are required to wear their uniform hats while working because they must represent their school and always uphold Shiketsu's values.

After changing back into some normal clothes, I go downstairs to the kitchen to see if there is anything I can do to help with dinner. There wasn't but Haruto wanted me to show him my quirk so I did. Using my quirk, I made a little dog made out of ink. I then made it run around and lick his nose. Emiko came in right after and screamed. I didn't know why until Akito explained to me that she has a fear of dogs after one nearly killed her when she was a kid. I apologized profusely to her. She just asked me not to do that again.

After that fiasco, we went into the dining room and ate dinner which consisted of rice with miso soup, fish, pickled vegetables, and some udon. Since school starts tomorrow, I apologized to Emiko once more and then went to sleep. The next day, I got up and put on my new uniform. I ate, grabbed everything I needed, and went out the door. Nervous, but at the same time excited for what the future would bring.

Basic Info

Name: Emma McBride
Nicknames: Em-Chan, and Emz
Age: 14
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 145 lbs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dirty blonde with black tips
Skin color: pale tan

Personality: •very kind, and loving, but not afraid to jump into action and protect those she loves
•she clings to others often and is a very anxious person in general
•she hates being left behind
•she excels at using her Ink Quirk

Quirk: Ink Creation
Description: She can make anything out of ink, be it inanimate or animated as long as she has some on her. Most of the time the ink is used from her blood, which is in fact ink itself.
Weaknesses: If she uses her quirk too much, her blood levels and blood pressure drops to where she will pass out if she doesn't have an intake of Ink.



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