Chapter 3

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Your POV

The next morning when I woke up, I had a text from All Might and Izuku. I decided to get some breakfast before seeing what they wanted. I went to my kitchen remembering to give Bubbles food first and then getting some pop tarts. As I was eating, I went to get my phone to see what they wanted. I looked at All Mights texts first.

All Might: Young Midoriya and I were going to start his training today on the beach. If you'd like, you can come and I can help you figure out if you have a quirk or not.

Y/n: Sounds good. Could you send me directions tho? I have no idea where that is 😓

As All Might was sending me directions, I went to see what Izuku wanted.

Izuku: All Might and I are meeting up at the beach. Are you going to be there?

Y/n: Yeah I'll be there

Izuku: 😄

Just then All Might sent the directions. I made sure Bubbles had enough food and water. I quickly took a shower and put on some clothes. I decided to wear a workout tank top with All Might on it with black workout shorts and my black tennis shoes. I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone. I quickly texted both of them that I was on my way and then locked my door.

On the way to the beach, I accidentally bumped into someone and fell to the ground. The girl offered her hand out to help me up. As I was about to take her hand, I realized that it was Uraraka and froze like a deer in headlights.

"Are you ok?" Uraraka questioned looking at me with concern.

"O-oh y-yeah. I'm fine. Sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't paying attention," I said while taking her outstretched hand.

"It's ok. Accidents happen all the time," she smiled.

"Well I have to go I'm meeting someone. It was nice meeting you..."

"Ochako Uraraka. It was nice to meet you too..."

"Y/n L/n"

She smiled and said, "What's your number? I would like to become your friend."

"May I?" I took her phone and put my number in. "Now I really have to go I don't want to keep them waiting."

"I understand. I'll talk to you later," she waved goodbye.

That was cool. I never thought I'd meet her so soon after coming here. I thought as I started following the directions once again. As I was walking, I had a strange feeling someone was watching me. Whenever I turned around, I couldn't see anyone. It's probably just my imagination.

A couple minutes later, I arrived at the beach to see that All Might and Izuku had already started. As I was making my way to them, Izuku saw me and waved at me. All Might turned to see who he was waving at and greeted you. While walking towards them, I had the strange feeling I was being watched again. I still couldn't find anyone when I looked. I'm probably being paranoid.

***** POV

"This will be fun."

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