Chapter 7

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Your POV

On the way to the beach, I decided to stop at a convenience store to buy an energy drink so I wouldn't be tired during training. I went into a store that was on the route to the beach so I wouldn't get lost. While I was picking out a drink, I heard some guys come in joking around with each other. I didn't pay much attention to them until I heard a voice say.

"Shut up you extras."

Is that who I think it is? I thought to myself as I quickly took a peek behind me. Yup. It's Katsuki Bakugou. I'm just gonna go. Screw the energy drink. I'm getting out of here. As I was making may way out of the store, I accidentally bumped into one of Bakugou's "friends".

"Watch where you're going." He angrily said.

"Sorry. My bad." I replied while trying to walk away.

"Hey. Where do you think you're going? He didn't give you permission to leave." Another one of the guys with Bakugou said.

"Somewhere other than here and I didn't know I needed your permission to leave a store," I retorted.

"Why you," he rudely grabbed my wrist.

I looked at the cashier to see if he would help me out, but he was helping another customer. Guess he won't be much help. I'll do it myself I guess. I rolled my eyes and yanked my arm out of his grasp.

"Don't touch me you creep. I don't know where your hands have been."

After saying that, I quickly exited the store only to be grabbed by the one and only Bakugou. What does he want? Did I do something to make him mad?

"You seem pretty cool for an extra. What's your number?"

What? Did he just say what I think he said? As I internally screamed in confusion, he asked for my number again. I numbly just handed him my phone for him to put his number while he handed me his phone for me to put in my number.

"I almost forgot what's your name extra."

"Y/n L/n."

"I'm Katsuki Bakugou. See you around L/n."

I waved goodbye and started walking to the beach again lost in thought. What just happened? Did the Bakugou just ask me for my number and call me by my name? I'm so confused.

???? POV

"You and me both buddy"

Your POV

When I got to the beach, Izuku must have realized something happened because he asked if something was wrong.

"Not really. I just met Bakugou."

"Really? He didn't do anything to you did he?" Izuku asked worriedly

"No. He gave me his number." I showed him my phone.

"HE DID WHAT!?" Izuku screamed shocked.

"He also called me by my name."

"Are you sure it was Bakugou?" Izuku asked doubtfully.

"Unless you know another blonde haired, red-eyed guy who calls everyone an extra, I'm pretty sure it was Bakugou."

"That's him. But I don't understand, why would he give you his number."

"I don't know"

Because I wanted him to.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who just heard that." I looked quizzically at Izuku.

"I didn't hear anything. Are you ok," Izuku asked.

"I'm fine. I think."

Just then All Might showed up and gave us our training schedule. Mine mainly focused on my quirk so I could get used to it. Twice a week I worked on physical things, like endurance and strength training. I was put on a diet to help me get healthier.

"Any questions on your schedules?"


"Why can't I have chocolate?" I whined.

"Because you need to work on your physical strength and your quirk strength, Young L/n. If you're not on a good diet, it could take longer to do." He replied.

"Makes sense."

After that, we spent the entire day training. At the end of the day I was extremely sweaty and exhausted. I cant wait until I got home to sleep and take a shower. Izuku and I walked home together again talking about how awesome All Might is. Once we got back home, we went inside our homes.

Before going to bed, I ate, took a shower, and feed Bubbles. I was too tired to do anything else. As I was trying to sleep, I got a message. I wonder who it is. It was Kirishima.

Kirishima: Hey L/n. How are you?

Y/n: tired. I was training all day today.

Kirishima: sorry. I'll talk to you when you're not so tired

Y/n: thank you. I really appreciate it, but I kinda feel bad. Do you want to hang out when I have a free day?

Kirishima: of course. I can't wait. Sweet dreams L/n.

Y/n: thank you 😊

With that, I plugged in my phone and tried to get to sleep. Why am I meeting so many of the class 1-A? What's going on? With that on my mind, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

???? POV

"Who do you want me to introduce to you next my dears?"

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