Chapter 10

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A/N: As requested by TheKoalaThatLived here's an update. Also if I made a discord server, would anyone join?

Your POV

After my little slip up with Shinso, I made sure to stay away from him during the exam. The exam was really easy for me because of my quirk. I would make the robots crash into one another and then yeet the broken robots to break even more robots. Every once and a while I saw Shinso in the corner of my eye looking at me and I made sure to go in the opposite direction.

When the zero point robot came out, I froze in shock. That's a giant ass robot. Like I knew it was big but it looks way bigger in real life. While I was just standing there looking at the robot, I heard someone scream for help. I looked in the direction of the yell and saw a pink girl with her legs stuck under a robot. It's Mina Asido.

Since everyone else was busy screaming and running away in terror, I decided to help her out. I ran to her and used my quirk to get the robot off of her. She instantly got up and started to run away, but when I tried to get up I fell to my knees. My head was hurting really bad and I was very nauseous from overusing my quirk.

"Are you ok?" She asked me frantically.

"Yeah, I just overused my quirk. That's all."

"Get on my back."

I got on her back and she started running away from the robot again. We took shelter inside a building. We still had around a minute before the practical exam ended. I saw a guy with blonde hair who apparently didn't see the robot walking around in its path. I decided to go help him out. When I got to him, I understood why he wasn't getting out of the way.

It was Denki Kaminari and he short circuited. I grabbed his hand, but before I could pull him out of the way I saw the shadow of a gigantic foot. This is probably what an ant feels like. I used my quirk to stop the foot in its tracks before it got to us. Just then the timer went off and the practical exam ended. I then fainted from extreme overuse of my quirk.

When I woke up, I was in recovery girls office with Izuku and All Might beside me having a conversation. They were trying to come with ideas for Izuku so he wouldn't break his arms and legs every time he uses his quirk. So far I appears that they haven't come up with anything. Izuku then realized I was awake.

"Hey Y/n. How are you feeling?"

"A bit nauseous and my head hurts, but other than that I'm ok."

"Young L/n, you shouldn't overuse your quirk like that. It's very dangerous."

"I understand All Might."

All Might had to go do hero stuff so Izuku and I started to walk back home, but before we could get too far Mina called out to me.

"Hey. Thanks for the assist...uh..."

"Y/n L/n"

"Thank L/n. My name is Mina Ashido. What's your number? I'd like to be your friend."

"Ok." That was quick. I handed her my phone for her to put her number in while she handed me her phone for me to give her my number.

???? POV

"Yeah. It's almost as if this is all scripted. Oh wait."

Your POV

"That's all. Bye!" She waved and ran off.

"Who was that?"

"That's Mina I met her during the exam. She was stuck under a robot and I helped her out."

"Makes sense"

We resumed our walk home. When we got home, I decided to go straight to sleep because I was still feeling a little dizzy. I remembered to give Bubbles food and water before blacking out the moment my head hit the pillow.

???? POV

"At least you know you got in"

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