Chapter 28

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊

Your POV

"Are you All Might's secret love child?" Todoroki questioned.

"Nope," I said popping the p.

"Then how are you All Might's daughter?" Kaminari asked.

"Ever hear of a thing called adoption?"

"All Might adopted you?" Izu asked still in shock.

"Yup. He adopted me when I was recovering in the hospital," I explained to the class.

"Wow. You're so lucky," Izu gushed.

"I know right? He even gave me his credit card," I happily said.

"HE GAVE YOU HIS CREDIT CARD!?!" The whole class basically screamed.

"Yeah," I responded as I noticed that it was starting to rain. I hope Bubbles is ok.

"So in theory you could buy anything you wanted?" Mina asked.

"Yeah but I don't really need anything except a new apartment since, as you all heard, my old one mysteriously burned down."

"All right class get back to work," Aizawa ordered.

We got back to working on the worksheet. I was almost finished when I got another bad feeling. What did they do now? I wondered. I hope they didn't do anything to Bubbles. I finished and looked around to see that I wasn't the only one who was finished. Kacchan, Todoroki, and Momo were also finished.

I quickly got bored and asked Aizawa if there was anything else I could do. He said that those who were finished could go on their phones until lunch. I texted Niko to ask where she was since it started raining cats and dogs. She left me on read. The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.

I then texted Riko in hopes that she would answer me and tell me if Bubbles was ok. She also left me on read. What's going on? Why won't they answer? I soon got my answer when the door opened to reveal a soaking wet Niko and Riko with Bubbles in tow.

"Prepare for trouble!" Niko started smirking.

"And make it double!" Riko continued also smirking.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!" They finished in unison.

"Sup," Niko said after they finished waving at me.

"Sup," I responded returning the wave.

"Who are you?" A sleepy Aizawa asked.

"We were the ones on the phone who accidentally burned down L/n house," Riko explained to Aizawa.

"Wait. Why did you guys leave me on read?" I questioned handing Niko a towel and taking Bubbles away from her.

"Oh I didn't want my phone to get too wet. Anyway does anyone have a towel for Riko?," Niko asked the class.

"I don't need one remember. I can dry myself off," Riko told her.

"Oh yeah. Never mind," Niko replied attempting to dry off her long hair.

Riko burst into flames for a second before the flames died out. Her clothes were still intact thankfully and they were now completely dried off. She saw the expressions on everyone's faces and laughed. "What?"

"Your quirk is fire?" Izu excitedly asked already opening his notebook.

"No. It's called Elemental. Basically I have the ability to use all four Elements; Fire, Water, Earth, and Air as well as their sub elements like metal, sand, and lightning." She patiently explained to Izu who was hastily writing down the info.

"That's so cool," Izu gushed. "Do you go to U.A. too?"


"Then how did you get in?" Izu questioned curious.

"I used my quirk," Niko responded before Riko could answer.

"Well. What's your quirk?" Izu asked her.

"It's called Warp Gate. I can create and manipulate a dark fog that acts as a portal. Although if I want to go somewhere I can't see, I have to know the exact location or have been there before." She told Izu.

"So you're telling me that you illegally entered UA?" Aizawa decided at that moment to speak up.

"Yup," Niko answered nonchalantly.

"You know you could get in big trouble for this right?"


"What are your names?" Mina piped up.

"Oh. My name is Niko." She smiled putting up a peace sign.

"And my name is Riko."

Just then the door was slammed open scaring the snot out of everyone. A tall, fiery man walked in clearly pissed off glaring at Niko. Everyone gasped in shock while Todoroki just stood up knocking his chair over in the process.


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