Chapter 39

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my story 😊 This is the longest chapter I've written in this book so far. I'm strangely proud of this. I hope you like it 😌 also I'm too lazy to proofread so if there is spelling mistakes or it just doesn't make sense in some places that's why.

Your POV

It's been a couple of days since everyone picking their hero names and I still haven't picked a a hero agency to internship under. I got so many offers it's just been hard to choose one. After much consideration, I decided to go with a hero agency far away from Hosu. While I know Stain is supposed to attack Iida and Izu, I don't really want to fight him. I'd probably just loose anyway so I want nothing to do with it. Also I don't want to run into Shigaraki again. I'd probably throw some lotion or chapstick at the poor crusty boi.

The agency I choose was the Kōjō Agency* with the Number 10 pro hero, Roselina*. The agency is in Yokohama, Japan near Kamino which is close to the villain hideout. I chose this not only because it's away from Hosu, but because I know the villains won't be there since they'll be in Hosu. I gave Aizawa my agency choice. He seemed to approve and gave me written step by step instructions on what to do when I got to the agency. It's almost as if he doesn't trust me by myself.

Finally, the day came where we go to our respective agencies. At the station, Izu and Ochachan tell Iida that they are friends so of he ever needs anything he can talk to them. Iida assures them that he will and walks away. Liar. I find which train I'm supposed to take and head over there saying a quick bye to Izu before boarding the train. I take out Aizawa's instructions and read them over making sure to do exactly as it says. I don't want him to get mad at me.

I got off the train and started walking towards the exit when I saw a girl holding a sign with my name on it. She looked to be around 19 and had medium-length light grey hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had cat ears and light pink eyes. She was wearing a black crop top with a purple heart in the middle, short black shorts, a black cardigan, black calf socks, and black combat boots. Hesitantly, I walked over to her unsure of who she was.

"Uhm…why do you have my name on a sign?" I asked nervously.

"Because I was sent to escort you back to the agency," the girl said sounding annoyed. "I am one of Roselina's sidekicks. I am The Cat Hero: Neko. Please address me as such."

I nod and follow her to a sleek, black limo. She gestured for me to get in so I did. The seats were all some kind of leather. I sat in an awkward silence. Neko didn't seem to care about me much. She didn't look up from her phone the whole ride to the agency. When we got to the agency, she opened the door and impatiently waited for me to get out. We walked into the agency. Me trying to keep up with her fast pase. As soon as we got inside, she turned to me and said.

"I have work to do so kindly find someone else to bother."

She power walked somewhere and left me in the middle of the lobby unsure of what to do. I decided to sit in a vacant corner and wait for someone to help. After 30 minutes, another girl seemed to notice me. She looked to also be around 19. She had long orange hair up in a ponytail, light blue eyes, and freckles across her cheeks. She was wearing a blue sweatshirt, some light blue jeans, some white converse, and a blue chocker with a bell in it.

"Are you ok?" She asked genuinely concerned.


"Is there a reason your sitting in a corner?" She questioned curious.

"Yeah. I'm supposed to be interning here, but the hero who was apparently supposed to help me left to do something."

"Oh, so you're Y/n L/n? Well, I'm The Quirkless Hero: Penny. It's nice to meet you."

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