Chapter 15

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An: If you want to read a Mha girl character x reader, you should check out dragonperson136 story 😌

Your POV

The next morning I woke up to see Bubbles laying on my stomach. Aww. That's adorable! I squealed out loud which caused Bubbles to wake up and give me a death glare. She then proceeded to stand up and walk on my face before getting off me to lay on the end of my bed.

"I'm sorry Lord Bubbles" I said frantically trying to get her to lay back on me.

It failed so I looked at the time to see it was time to get up for school. I put on my uniform. I actually remembered how to put in my tie. Thanks Ochachan. I went to my kitchen to get some food. On my way to the kitchen, I went through the living room to see a person sprawled out on my couch. Who is that?

I took a closer look at the intruder. It was a girl around my age with pale skin and jet black hair sleeping peacefully. She was wearing black pajama pants and an Eraserhead hoodie. Should I wake her? I probably should but she looks so peaceful. After my internal debate, I decided to wake her up from a distance because I didn't know what she was capable of.

I grabbed my toaster and used my quirk to accurately throw it across the room. The toaster hit her shoulder. She sat up and instantly lost her balance. She fell off the couch onto her butt. When our eyes met, I immediately noticed her eyes which were two different colors. The right one was a light green and the left was a light blue.

"Ouch what was that for?" She said glaring at me.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?" I said trying to look intimidating but probably failing miserably.

She snorted and asked, "Why are you acting like you don't know me?"

"Uhm...maybe cause I don't know you?"

"I forgot to introduce myself didn't I?" She asked sheepishly.


"Oh. I'm Niko Rose. I'm the person who brought you here."

"Ok but why are you in my house?"

"I uh forgot to pay my rent and I got kicked out of my apartment. I was wondering if maybe I could stay here."

I eyed her suspiciously. How do I know she's telling the truth? She could just be a random girl pretending to be the person who brought me here to get me to let my guard down so she can steal my stuff. At that, she snorted again.

We all know you have nothing worth stealing except maybe All Might's credit card.

Hey. I started to protest, but got cut off.

Hush. You know it's true. Anyway do you believe me now?

I sighed, "Yes I believe you but that doesn't mean you can stay here."

"And why not?" she asked really confused.

"What do I get out of it anyway?"

"I'll tell you what your second quirk is."

"Deal!" I practically screamed at her the moment she stopped talking.

"Woah. Someone's really curious."

"Of course I am. I want to know what it is. Now tell me or I'll kick you out."

"Calm down. I'm getting to it. Your second quirk is-"

Before she could finish, I heard my doorbell ring. She tried to continue to tell me but every time she did the doorbell would ring interrupting her. I grew tired of hearing the doorbell so I went to my door and angrily swung it open. On the other side was a scared looking Izu.

"Sorry I'm late getting you. I overslept a bit. If we don't head out now. We'll be late," he explained.

I looked at the time to see he was right. Shit. I got distracted. I looked back at the girl sitting in my living room. You'd better tell me when I get back home. 

I will. Now go you don't want to be late on your second day do you?

With that, I grabbed my stuff and locked my door. We rushed to get to school barely making it in time for the bell to ring signaling the start of the school day. I smiled happily. Today's the day I learn what my second quirk is. My stomach grumbled quietly enough to where I was the only one to hear. Wait. I FORGOT TO EAT!!!

???? POV

"Betcha didn't expect to meet me did ya. 😂"

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