Chapter 21

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An: Thank you for reading and voting for my book 😊 Also I apologize for any inaccuracies in this book 😓

Your POV

"Told ya so"

Everyone except Izu looked at me in shock that I knew something bad would happen. I walked to Aizawa and directed his attention to the one and only Shigaraki who just came out of a portal.

"It's Crusty Handjob," I snorted.

Crusty McFuck Nugget did his whole monologue about how he didn't like heros especially All Might and how he wanted to kill him. I wonder if he's ever heard of chapstick and moisturizer. Maybe I should ask him.

Aizawa told 13 to protect the students and head  to the exit. He then storms the U.S.J.'s central plaza and attacks the villains, quickly dispatching many of the lower level thugs. Kurogiri gets past Aizawa and blocks the exit.

Kacchan and Eiji ran and tried to attack Kurogiri so he used his portals to separate everyone sending them to different parts of the USJ. I was sent to the fire zone with Mashirao Ojiro. We got surrounded by villains, but fortunately for us they weren't very strong.

While Ojiro fought the ones on the right, I fought the ones on the left. I used the chains on my costume to tie up two of the villains and use them as a weapon to slam into the other villains and knock them out. After we finish fighting the villains where we were, I told Ojiro to find and tell as many people as he can to meet up at the exit.

We split up him going towards where Todoroki and Hagakure were to warm them and me going to where Aizawa was still beating up villains. I saw Handy observing him while he was fighting. Now if I remember correctly he's gonna attack Aizawa soon. As if he was reading my mind, he went to confront him. In a moment of pure stupidity, I ran towards them and kicked Crusty away from Aizawa.

And in another moment of stupidity, I asked, "Have you ever heard of chapstick?"

Niko POV

"I think we all need the answer to this question"

Your POV

Both of them looked at me as if I was crazy. I mean they weren't wrong but it still hurt. After a moments hesitation, Shigaraki asked, "What's chapstick?"

I immediately burst into laughter. I laughed so hard I fell to the ground. He looked at me offended that I would laugh at him while Aizawa yelled at me to get away. Finally, Dusty got tired of me laughing at him and orders the Nomu to attack me.

I stop laughing when the Nomu goes to punch me. Aizawa tried to stop him but got instantly knocked away. He flew a few feet away before crashing to the ground and rolling a bit. With him out of the way, the Nomu turned his attention back to me. Shit.

I quickly get up and try to run away. The Nomu was having none of that. He grabbed my left arm and crushed it like Izu's bones whenever he uses his quirk. I scream out and I see Crusty Dusty laughing at me on the sidelines. That musty bitch. Aizawa came to my rescue and distracted the Nomu long enough for me to get out of his grasp.

Then the Nomu turned his attention to Aizawa and beat him up exactly like in the anime. This is way more gruesome in real life. I have to do something but what? I'm not strong enough to do anything. The Nomu went to smash Aizawa who looked like he was a bug smashed on a windshield.

Faster than I thought I could ever run, I ran in front of Aizawa and threw my hands apart in an attempt to protect him. As the Nomu's hand came down to crush me, I heard Aizawa yell for me to get out of the way. Then everything went dark.

Niko POV

"That looks like it hurt"

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