Side Chapter: Inara Kaede Matsuno

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊This chapter is about 1-800-Mha 's oc character. If you want your oc in a side chapter, DM me the basic info: the physical appearance, quirk, and personality. If you have a specific senario you want me to write about, feel free to send me that too.

Somewhere in Mustutafu

Tonight was like any other night. I go from where I live, in Jubaun, to Mustutafu to do some vigilante work. I don't work where I live because the pros might track me. I don't want them knowing where I live. I use the train to go from city to city making sure to stay out of sight. I wear a grey backpack with my vigilante outfit inside. Extra precautions to help the pros not find out where I live. I sit on a seat with my usual demeanor which most people would describe as cold.

When I arrive at the station, I silently get off the train using my quirk slightly so I don't bump into anything. I walk to the nearest public bathroom to get changed into my costume. It's not ideal, but it will do. Once I finished getting changed, I put my extra clothes in the grey backpack and hide it in a storage place. Hopefully, no one finds it and takes it. I walk out of the bathroom and take flight using my wings. I gracefully glide over Mustutafu letting the wind  flow through my gingerish brown locks. 

All of a sudden, I hear a terrified shriek cut through the night air. I quickly turn in the direction I heard the scream. I arrive to the place I think I heard the scream, but because it stopped before I could locate where it was coming from I'm not 100% sure. Until I hear another similarly sounding terrified shriek, I stopped and listened for anything suspicious. It turns out it came from one alleyway over. Well, I was close at least. I fly over the building and land on the roof. 

I assess the situation before jumping in to help whoever needs it. From what I could tell, a man was getting attacked by four or five other guys. It was kinda hard to tell. I made sure to figure out which one was the one getting attacked before jumping into action. I took out two of the guys when someone else joined the fight. I didn't hear them until I heard one of the other guys getting beat up by an unknown party. When I was finished with the guy I was fighting, I turned to the unknown person. 

"Who are you and why are you out fighting people this late at night?" He asked with a tired sounding voice. 

I didn't recognize the voice at first. I mean, I've definitely heard it before. I just can't place it. Maybe if I get him to talk some more I'll be able to figure it out. 

"What's it to you?" I asked him cockily. 

"I can't have children out here fighting people. You could get hurt," he answered still in the same tired voice. 

That's when it hit me. I'm talking to the famous underground hero Eraserhead. I now recognize his voice from listening to the UA Sports Festival. This is bad. I need to get away from him. I try to fly away, but I get caught in his scarf thing. I don't know what it's actually called. Panicking a bit, I try to use my quirk to enhance some of my stats, but it's not working. He must be using his quirk to erase mine. That's fine. I can just wait until he blinks his quirk away.  

After a couple of seconds, I can feel his quirk wear off meaning he must've blinked. I then enhance my strength and speed to get out of his scarf before he erases my quirk again. I get out of it and try to fly out of his reach, but he's quicker than I thought. His scarf wraps around my legs in an attempt to restrain me again. I grow tired of him and start to fly away with him still attached to my legs. 

We fly over the city and he's trying to get me to stop flying. It's not working out very well for him. I'm attempting to get him off my legs by smacking him into things, but he's very determined to apprehend me would seem. Finally, I get him off my legs by slamming him into a chimney. I feel his scarf let me go so I zoom off. Since dealing with him took linger than expected, I have to rush to get changed and get to the station. I don't want to miss my train. 

I get to the bathroom and find my backpack exactly where I left it. I get changed hurriedly stuffing my costume in the backpack and zipping it up. I put it on my back and swiftly walk back to the station hoping I didn't miss it. I arrive at the station just in time to run onto the train before it left. Finding an empty seat, I sit down and close my eyes to make other people think I'm sleeping so they'll, hopefully, leave me alone. 

I make it through the train ride without any interruptions. I get off the train in my hometown of Jubaun walking through the chilly streets towards my house. When I get there, I get inside and decide to take a shower before heading off to bed to sleep the day away. When I go to sleep, I don't even notice the presence of the man who followed me all the way to home. 

                                                                                     Basic info

Name: Inara Kaede Matsuno
Age: 15
Height: 5'5"
Weight: unknown
Eye color: dark blue with no pupil
Hair color: gingerish brown
Skin tone: pale

Personality: •very Celestia Ludenburg like when not in form
•when she is angry she becomes very dangerous as her quirk enhances stats, not senses
•when she is a vigilante, she becomes chaotic, almost like Junko Enoshima
•she helps with everything she can
•she doesn't hesitate to hold back in fights

Quirk: Wings
Description: she can use the wings she has to fly and enhance one of her senses. Eyesight is exempt from drawbacks and enhancers because she is blind.
Weaknesses: If she uses it too long, then she loses control of her wings and they become numb. She can also lose senses instead of enhancing them if she tries to enhance them.

Occupation: Vigilante
Vigilante name: Angelic Rose
Costume: (by 1-800-Mha )

Occupation: VigilanteVigilante name: Angelic RoseCostume: (by 1-800-Mha )

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Bio: Born into a rich family, Inara was taught to be proper. When her mother died, her father married off her sister, and starting neglecting his children. Inara grew tired of that and decided to leave home. She learned to embrace chaos while using it to help and she became a Vigilante named Angelic Rose. She helps save people, but still takes jobs from villains if she needs to.

Location: she lives in Jubaun, but for vigilante work she goes to Mustutafu so they can't track her.

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