Chapter 42

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An: thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 in the event there are any errors I apologize. I've grown lazy lol

Your POV

I don't know how long I was passed out for, but the next thing I knew I was waking up on a dirty floor in a dark, musty room. How inconvenient. I sat up realizing I was tied with my hands behind my back. I attempted to use my quirks, but they weren't working. I waited for a long time just waiting for something to happen. After around 10 minutes, I got bored and decided to try and get out myself.

I looked around to try and find something to cut these ropes with. Unfortunately for me, it was too dark to see anything. I rolled around and somehow got my arms in front of me. I carefully felt the ground for anything sharp. It was just my luck that I found a piece of what I believe was broken glass. I used it to cut the ropes cutting my thumb in the process. Ouch.

I stood up using my hands to feel out the room trying to find a wall or a door. Before I could find a wall, I tripped over something on the floor. I grabbed it and it felt like a cylindrical piece of metal. After some investigating, it turns out that it was a flashlight. I didn't find that out though until I flashed it straight into my eyes.
I waited until I could actually see again to stand back up.

I swung the flashlight beam back and forth arond the room finding a big black door. I walked up to it and attempted to open it. It turns out it was locked and I had no way to open it so now I was a sitting duck. I sat back down in the middle of the room to wait until something happened.

Roselina's POV

I knew something was wrong when Y/n didn't answer my phone call. She left her metal cuffs for her hero uniform. I contacted All Might since she wasn't answering hoping he would tell me where she was.

"Hello, All Might?" I asked when he picked up.

"Oh, Roselina, I don't have much time to talk. What did you want?"

"I need to talk to Y/n. She left some of her gear at my agency and I'd like to give it back."

"Well..." he hesitated.

"What is it?"

"Young Y/n has gone missing."

"WHAT?!?" I scream instantly worried.

"She wanted to walk home from school and she never made it back to the house. It's been two hours. I'm really worried."

"Are you serious? You are the number one hero. You're supposed to protect her." I screeched in his ear worried for Y/n.

"I know," he replied with none of his usual vigor.

I sighed, "Give me a sec and I'll find her for you."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"Well I'm hoping she's wearing the rose necklace I gave to her."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well I guess you wouldn't know. I grew that rose by myself. Any rose I grow myself I can locate no matter where it's located. I can also travel through the roses I grow depending on the size." I explained. "Now please be quiet so I can consentrate."

I closed my eyes in consentration. It took awhile but I located Y/n. I looked up the coordinates. It seems that she is in a group of abandoned warehouses.

"All Might she is in the abandoned warehouses near the station."

"Thank you." He said gratefully.

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