Chapter 17 & Costume Results

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An: The costume with the most votes was

drum roll please

Thank you to everyone who participated :)

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Thank you to everyone who participated :)

Your POV

I grabbed my costume and walked to the girls changing room. I opened the case and looked at the costume. It was a black with purple accents bodysuit. It had a brown leather jacket and black thigh-high combat boots with purple laces. The sleeves were so long that they covered part of my hands. It had purple cuffs that were actually made from some kind of metal. I had to use my quirk to be able to lift them because they were really heavy. I also had a skirt thing that was also made from a metal although it wasn't as heavy.

Do you like it?

Yeah. It's really cool

When I put everything on, all the girls said that I looked awesome. I blushed and thanked them all. Once everyone was finished we all started to walk to Ground Beta. As soon as All Might saw my costume, he gave me a discreet thumbs up.

I looked behind me to see Izu in his costume and gave him a smile. He walked up to me and asked what I thought was gonna happen. Did he forget I know what's gonna happen? I told him to listen to All Might's explanation and he'd know.

All Might explained that we're doing an exercise that consists of two opposing teams of two going against each other, simulating a confrontation between heroes and villains. The "heroes" were tasked to infiltrate the building and recover a warhead prop, which was defended by the "villain" team.

After All Might explained, he put us into the groups of two but because there is 21 people in Class 1-A there was one group of three. I was put in the group of three together with Izu and Ochachan. (All other groups are the same)

We went against Iida and Kacchan who were the villains while we were the heros. We walked into the building and started brainstorming a plan. I suggested that one person distract Kacchan while the other two go after the prop. Because I knew what would happen if Izu went after Kacchan, I suggested that I go after him instead.

"Will you be able to defeat him?" Izu asked

"Probably not, but I don't have to beat him. I just have to distract him until you guys get the prop." I explain.

"That's a good idea N/n" Ochachan praised.

Izu and Ochachan went to find the prop while I went to find Kacchan. It wasn't very hard because he was making a lot of noise screaming for Izu to come and fight him. I made sure to tell Izu and Ochachan that I found him. Before he noticed me, I used the metal skirt to attack him, separating it into multiple pieces.

"You didn't think that would work did you?" Kacchan said while easily dodging all the pieces.

"Not really, but it was worth a shot," I responded with a smile.

Kacchan ran at me and tried to punch me, but I dodged. All that training with him really paid off. I just need to distract him for a couple more minutes. I was doing great just dodging everything he threw at me. He was getting increasingly agitated that I wouldn't fight back like usual.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" He questioned.

"Why do you care?" I said with a smirk.

He growled and continued to attack me desperately trying to hit me. Then he heard a loud bang and looked towards the source. While he was distracted, I used my awesomeness to quickly put the cuffs on his wrists causing him to be off balanced. I then punched his face causing him to fall on his butt.

While he was looking at me in shock, I quickly captured him. That worked? All Might went over the intercom and announced that Kacchan was out and was captured. I asked Izu and Ocachan if they were almost done. I was met with an announcement that Iida was captured and the hero's won.

I smirked at Kacchan and said, "Better luck next time."

Niko POV


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