Chapter 11

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Your POV

A couple days pass and finally the results come in. I decided to wait and see if Izu got his too before opening mine.

Y/n: hey did you get your results yet?

Izu: yeah. I didn't open it yet tho.

Y/n: do you wanna open them together?

Izu: sure. Come over whenever

Y/n: ok be there in 15 min

After texting Izu, I quickly pulled on an All Might hoodie and some pants. I then made sure to that Bubbles had some food and water. Bubbles came up to me and rubbed against my legs. Omg! Lord Bubbles has forgiven me! I squeal and picked her up for some hugs before I had to leave.

I checked my phone to see what time it was and noticed I had to leave soon so I carefully put Bubbles down. I then grabbed the letter and my keys and began to walk out the door before I realized I forgot my shoes. I'm so dumb. I quickly slip on some crocs and leave making sure to lock the door behind me.

I walk across the street to Izu's house and knock on the door. His mom answered the door and let me in. Every other day I have dinner with the Midoriya's. Mostly because Izu's mom found out I live by myself and sometimes I'm too lazy to make myself something so I just don't eat.

Izu came into the living room and invited me to his room so we could open our results. Once in his room, we decided to open his first. I know he's gonna get in. He opened his results and surprise surprise he passed. We cheered and hugged each other. Izu then said I should open mine. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Don't be. You got in.

"Who said that?"

"No one said anything. Are you ok?" Izu asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm good. Probably just nervous."

"Don't be I'm sure you got in."

I opened my letter to see that I did in fact get in. As it turned out, I got the highest score on the practical exam with 70 regular points and 45 hero points. I sat there shocked that I got so many points. Izu, on the other hand, started jumping up and down in excitement.

"We both got in!" Izu screamed

"Yeah. We're both in Class 1-A too."

We then ran down to the living room where Miss Midoriya was to tell her the good news.

"We both got in mom! We're even in the same class." Izu told her excitedly.

"That's great you two. I baked some f/c cookies for you guys."

"Izu, I love your mom. She is awesome."

"I know right?"

After eating the cookies, I decided to go home and tell Eiji, Ochachan, and Kacchan that I passed. I quickly walked home and locked the door when I got in. I immediately texted them that I passed and they texted back that they got in and that they were in Class 1-A too. What a coincidence.

Once I was done with that I decided to figure out who kept talking in my head and why no one else was able to hear who ever it was. I decided to just start asking questions and see if they answered.

"Who are you?"

Your conscience. We don't talk much.

I jumped in shock not expecting to get an answer that quickly.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Who are you actually?"

I'm the person who brought you here.

"Why did you bring me here?"

I was bored.

"You brought me here because you were bored?"

Yes. Is there an echo in here?

I fell quiet thinking. Why would this person bring me?

You seemed lonely.

You can hear what I'm thinking?

Yup. Well, when I want to. Anyway I'm gonna go now. There's some pizza calling my name.

Ok. Bye then.

Oh also as of now you have two quirks.

The mysterious voice in my head went silent and no matter how many times I asked about my second quirk it never answered so I decided to watch some anime to get my mind off of things.

???? POV

"You didn't expect that did ya"

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