Side Story: Day out with Kirishima

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An: This takes place before the UA entrance exams. Thank you to everyone who reads my story 🤗

Your POV

Today was my day off. I was just gonna sit around and do nothing all day. That is until Kirishima texted at 12 asking if I wanted to do something together. So of course I told him yes cause I love that guy. He's so manly. We decided to go to the gym to work out at 3.

I grabbed a bag and put some work out clothes inside along with my wallet. The work out clothes consisted of a plain black tank top with some black shorts. I then put on some regular clothes which consisted of a red sweatshirt with some blue jeans. I then ate an apple while petting Bubbles since I still had like an hour before I had to leave.

When it was time to leave, I put on some Crimson Riot themed tennis shoes and grabbed my workout bag and phone. I made sure to lock the door before heading to the gym we agreed upon which was about a 25 minute walk from my house. On the way there, I decided to buy a couple bottles of water just in case. I went into the convenience store and immediately ran into Bakugou. Why do I keep running into this guy?

He noticed my workout bag asked, "Why do you have that bag?"

"I'm going to the gym with a friend," I tell him while grabbing some water.

"Wait. You have friends?" he joked.

"How funny. But yes I do have friends and if you'll excuse me I have 10 minutes left to get to the gym," I say as I start checking out.

"We still on for this Saturday?"

"Yup. I'll be there," I respond walking out the store and waving goodbye.

I make it to the gym with a minute to spare. I see Kirishima casually standing beside the door waving at me.

He gave me an exited hug, "You made it!"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

We walk inside and go into our separate changing rooms to get changed into our workout clothes. Once we finished we met back up. He wanted to hit the strength training equipment first so we did. He was able to lift 150 lbs. Damn. He's strong. I tried it but I was only able to lift 95 lbs. It makes sense. I haven't trained as much as he has.

After we finished working out at 5:30, we went back into the changing rooms to shower. As the warm water cascaded down my back, I thought about what I would eat for dinner. I got changed back into my regular clothes and walked out to see Kirishima waiting for me.

"Hey L/n since it's so late do you wanna go get some food with me?"

"Sure. Where we going?"

"I was thinking McDonalds. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah. It's perfect."

We walked to a McDonald's where we both got some chicken nuggets with some fries. Kirishima insisted on buying mine. So manly. He also insisted on walking me home after we finished eating. When I got to my house, he gave me another hug.

"Hey Kirishima?"

"Yes L/n?"

"Is it ok if I call you by your first name since we're friends?"

"Sure. Can I call you by your first name too?" He asked excitedly.

"Of Course," I answered while giving him another hug, "See you later"

I waved goodbye and walked inside my house. I saw that Bubbles ran out of food so I gave her some more before changing into an All Might onesie to watch a couple episodes of anime before going to bed. Today was really fun. I can't wait to hang out with him again. I thought as I slowly drifted to sleep.

???? POV

"Do you like your pjs? 😂"

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