Side Chapter: Day out with Mina (That day you got stabbed 6 times)

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Your POV

I'm jolted awake when Bubbles jumped on my bed and sat on my face. I groaned and pushed Bubbles off of me so I could breathe. Bubbles gave me an evil glare and left the room. I get up and decide to eat a bowl of cereal while watching my favorite show. I was kinda surprised that it was actually around in this world, but I didn't question it.

I was on the fourth episode when my phone dinged. I picked up my phone to see that Mina texted me. I decided to finish the episode I was on before seeing what she wanted. As soon as the episode finished, I opened her message.

Mina: hey y/n

Y/n: hey Mina. What's up?

Mina: do you wanna go shopping with me?

Y/n: sure. When did you wanna go?

Mina: I was thinking 2:30

Y/n: ok. Where did you wanna meet up?

Mina: at the entrance of the mall

Y/n: ok. See you then 😊

I looked at the clock to see that it was 12:13. I decided to quickly take a shower beforehand. Once finished with my shower, I put on an outfit consisting of a red hoodie, black jeans, and white hightop converse. I checked the time to make sure I still had time. Since I just recently moved in with All Might, I am still getting used to his house.

I searched how far away the mall was from his house and figured out it was a 20 minute walk from here. I didn't want to bother All Might because he's working. I checked the time again in order to see how much time I had left before I should be there. I had around 45 minutes left. I decided to leave now just in case anything happened on the way. I grabbed my phone and wallet before texting All Might that I was going out with Mina.

I arrived at the mall with 15 minutes to spare. After 5 minutes later, Mina showed up. She was wearing a blue shirt that changed to purple at the bottom. It had a Cresent t moon with some stars on it. She was also wearing ripped black jeans, sparkly purple combat boots, and a black choker with a heart in the middle. She also had on some black lipstick. I waved my arms at her to get her attention.

"Hey, N/n," Mina excitedly said. "I hope you weren't waiting for too long."

"Don't worry. I wasn't waiting too long," I reassured her.

"Allright, let's get shopping," Mina said pumping her hands in the air.

I laughed as she intertwined our arms and pulled me along. We saw an icecream truck and safe to say the person inside was confused when two teenage girls ran full throttle at him squealing like a teapot. Mina got a chocolate icecream cone while I got a (f/ic).* We sat down on a bench to finish eating our delicious treats. Once finished, we started walking around to see what store we should go in.

We decide to go in the thrift shop that was for some reason in the mall. We rummaged around the store for anything cool. I found a really cool shirt with Kermit on it. It had the words 'To be or not to be' on it. I, of course, decided to buy it. Mina found a cute pair of overall shorts that were white with a bi flag stitched onto the large pocket on the front. We didn't really find anything else worth buying so we decided to leave.

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