Side Chapter: Tori Denbasa

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 This chapter is about @Lilmuggs oc. If you want your oc in a side chapter, DM me the basic info: the physical appearance, quirk, and personality. If you have a specific senario you want me to write about, feel free to send me that too. Also I made a new book. It's called Mha x male reader insert (creative name I know lol) Check it out if you want ☺️

Somewhere in UA

Today is Saturday which means no school. I wouldn't have been doing anything except hero training, but Momo texted asking if I wanted to hang out with her at her house. I, of course, said yes. I never pass up an opportunity to go to her house. Momo is my best friend along with Kirishima. I'm glad we are all in the same class so we can hang out more. I'm friendly with everyone in Class 1-A, but I'm closest to those two.

When I become a pro-hero, I'll be able to use my quirk to fly everywhere. It will surely save me a lot of money in transportation. But until then, public transportation it is. I get on the train and luckily am able to get a seat. I sit down and wait for the train to start moving. It doesn't take long for the train to leave. I pulled out my phone and played some games while waiting to arrive at my destination.

Halfway there, I see some guys start to harass a young looking girl. Obviously, I intervened. I told them to leave her alone. They looked kinda shocked anyone dared to oppose them like it had never happened before. They immediately started to harass me instead which is better than them messing with that other girl. The kept messing with me until the next stop. I didn't want to do anything on the train because there were bystanders I didn't want to hurt.

Once it was my stop, I got off. Of course, the guys followed me off. They started to stalk me trying horribly to make it seem like they weren't. How dumb do they think I am? I didn't want to be seen taking them down because I could get in trouble. I don't have my hero license yet. I make up my mind to just go into an alleyway and deal with them there. I find the perfect one and go down it. Halfway through, I stop and turn around to confront them.

"Why are you following me?" I asked kind of annoyed.

"Because you messed with the Orochimaru Gang," one of the supposed gang members started.

"And now you have to pay," another one of them finished. 

They pulled out knives and smirked in my direction thinking I wouldn't be able to defend myself. Obviously, they had not watched the UA Sports Festival because then they would've known not to mess with me. I returned their smirks and they frowned surprised I wasn't scared. I quickly gathered some of the electricity I had stored into a ball and shot it at one of the thugs. He fell down passed out.

"You'll pay for that!" One of the remaining thugs angrily told me.

I just snorted and sent out another electricity ball aimed at the one who had just spoken. He also fell down passed out. The last remaining thug was smarter than the other two. He sent me a glare and tried to run away. I wasn't going to let him get away that easily so I threw an electricity ball at him too. Once they were all passed out, I proceeded on my journey to Momo's house.

I finally got there around ten minutes later and rang the doorbell. One of her many maids came to the door. She ushered me in and was about to lead me to Momo's room when she walked into the room. She seemed sadder than usual, but I could see she was trying to put on a happy face for me. I decided not to question it until we were alone. I didn't want to embarrass her in front of her staff.

She led me to her room which wasn't really necessary since I've been here so many times before. We walked in her room and I immediately shut the door. I turned around and crossed my arms giving her a pointed stare.

"Spill," I demanded.

"What?" She asked surprised that I saw past her facade.

"I've been your friend for a long time. I know when you're forcing smiles. Now spill," I demanded again trying to get to the bottom of the issue.

She sighed and went to say something, but burst into tears before she could. I quickly ran to her and gave her what I hope was a comforting hug. I held her in my arms rubbing circles into her back as she bawled her eyes out. After about twenty minutes, she seemed to be calmed down enough to talk.

"What's wrong?" I gently questioned.

"I hate my body," she said almost too softly for me to hear.

"Why?" I asked genuinely confused. "I think you are beautiful."

"That's the problem. Everyone thinks I'm too pretty to become a good hero and that I only got into the hero course because of the recommendation," she said before starting to cry again.

"Who said that?" I demanded wanting to find whomever it was and beat them up.

"A lot of people on the internet," she explains.

"Well they're wrong," I say bluntly.

"But—" she started.

"They're wrong," I interrupted. "You are one of the strongest and smartest people I know. I know you got into the hero course through recommendation, but that doesn't mean you deserve it any less. You earned your place just like everyone else."

She smiled softly at me with tears threatening to fall again and said, "Thank you."

"No problem. Now get a ton of snacks and blankets. We're having a movie marathon."

For the rest of the night, we watched countless movies from every genre. Mostly comedy though. I thought she could use some laughs after being sad most of the day. When we finally went to sleep, she had a peaceful smile etched on her face.

Basic Info

Name: Tori Denbasa
Age: unknown
Height: 5'8"
Weight: unknown
Eye color: gold
Hair color: dirty blonde with white tips

Personality: •very confident
•body positive
•not really afraid of much
•an optimist
•really charismatic
•athletic build

Quirk: Thunderbird
Description: thunderbird gives her two large, grey wings. When she moves, she generates electricity, which she can store and either give her enhanced physical ability (via electro stimulation) or she can use it for a long or short ranged electrocution attack.

Hero name: Thunderbird
Class: 1-A
Friends: Momo and Kirishima
Costume design: (art by @Lilmugg)

Hero name: Thunderbird Class: 1-AFriends: Momo and Kirishima Costume design: (art by @Lilmugg)

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