Chapter 34

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 Also I made another x reader. It's called Naruto x reader insert (I'm terrible at naming things. Can you tell? Lol) Also this is the longest chapter so far and I feel strangely accomplished considering I'm using a phone to write this.

Your POV

Midnight explains how the next event will go. We will battle each another one on one. For the first round; it is Izu vs Shinso, Todoroki vs Sero, Kaminari vs Shiozaki, Iida vs Hatsume, me vs Mina, Tokoyami vs Momo, Eiji vs Tetsutetsu, and Kacchan vs Ochachan. I'm kinda nervous fighting against my homegirl Mina, but hopefully I can beat her. I want to see how far I can go with pure luck. While I was thinking, I heard some kind of commotion in the commenters box thingy with Mummyzawa and Presentational Mitochondria.

Niko POV

"We're doing it"

Your POV

I turned my gaze towards the box only to see two more people than there should've been. It seems Niko and Riko forced their way in and are now apart of the announcer club. I snorted when they started doing a little skit making fun of Izu's and Kacchan's relationship.

"DEKUUUUUUU!!!!!" Niko screamed into one of the mics obviously doing an impression of Kacchan.

"WHAT?" screamed Riko right back without missing a beat almost like they've done this before.

We have lol

"DID YOU JUST BREATHE?" Niko screeched continuing the skit.

"YES!" Riko yelled just going with the flow.

"STOP BREATHING!" Niko yelled trying not to laugh as Riko rolled her eyes.

"Deku," Niko said eerily quiet compared to two seconds ago.

"What?" Riko said copying the volume.

"Did you just blink your eye lids?" She asked resulting in a snort from Riko.

"Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?" Riko responded sassily breaking out of character.

Before Niko could respond, Bandageman told them to shut up or they'd be kicked out. They immediately shut their mouths giggling quietly. I looked around to see most of the people confused not knowing what had just happened. Some, like me, understood the reference and were trying not to die laughing. Poor Izu looked kinda offended and Kacchan started yelling at them that he did not sound like that. Izu went down to the arena to get ready for his battle. I assume Shinso did the same.

Present Mic explains that victory is only gained by knock out, ring out or surrender while they both walked out to the middle of the arena to waited for Midnight to start the battle. I, on the other hand, was debating on whether to cheer for Izu or Shinso. The battle started, but before they could do anything Niko screamed out again.

"KICK HIS ASS, HITOSHI!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs which resulted in a slap to the back of the head courtesy of Riko.

"Listen we gotta keep this thing pg-13," Riko explained.

After Shinso got over his shock that someone would root for him so loudly, he continued with his plan. He insulted Ojiro's decision to drop out which was really rude in my opinion. I could tell Izu got mad at that just like in the anime. He responds, gets controlled by Shinso, almost walks out of the ring, and flicks his mighty fingers to get out of the mind control. Ya know the boring part.

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