Side Chapter: What happened to Mineta

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book 😊 please dm me links or pictures over Wattpad or Discord to outfits you would like to wear. I want to make sure you like the outfits I pick for y'all. Also this chapter is different from other because it's in the point of view of the one and only Mineta. I hope you like it lol

Somewhere near UA

"Hey Mineta," Y/n said looking at me with loving eyes.

"Yes my cute baby girl?" I responded.

"Can we talk?"


"I have something to tell you," she started sounding kinda nervous.

"What is it?"

"Well I-I," she stuttered blushing. "I can't do this here. There's too many people. Can we take this somewhere else?"

"Of course," I replied as she took my hand and pulled me along to the cherry blossom tree at the back of the school.

"I-I-I-I," she choked out clearly having a hard time expressing her feelings.

"Take your time cutie," I complemented her resulting in her blushing a darker red.

"I think I'm in lo—"

Beep beep beep

I was woken up by my alarm clock completely ruining my amazing dream. I sighed knowing she would never go out with a tiny, perverted grape gremlin like me when she could go out with someone like Bakugou or Todoroki or Midoriya. I lied in bed for a couple more minutes reminiscing on the best dream of my life before having to get out of my warm bed to the cold unforgiving world.

I heard my father banging on cabinets in the kitchen. I hurried to get dressed tripping in the process. I would've been fine, but I made a big bang when I hit the floor. He doesn't like that. I heard his stomping coming this way and made sure I was dressed all the way. Struggling with my tie in my hurry. Before I could get it tied, my room door slammed open revealing my angry, red-faced father.


I flinched, but didn't say anything. Responding XD only makes it worse. He continued to yell insults at me for around 10 minutes until he presumably got bored and wondered off to do who know what. Once he was out of earshot, I sighed in relief. One day I hope I can get out of this situation preferably by marrying someone nice and not so loud like Y/n. She is my dream woman. I'm going to find someway to get her to wear a cheerleader outfit. I'm sure she'll be really sexy. I heard my father start yelling at the tv and decided that was my que to leave.

On the way to school, I remembered that today was the Sports Festival. Hopefully, I can win and make Y/n fall in love with me. While walking, I saw All Might drive past with Y/n in the passenger seat. Niko and Riko were sitting in the backseat. I guess they are watching the Festival in person. I arrive at UA and put on my really perverted persona so I don't break down in front of others. I don't want them to think I'm weak. I get to the classroom and sit in my seat to wait for class to start.

Y/n came in a few seconds after the bell rang and sat in her seat before Mr. Aizawa walked in and gave her a detention for being late. They playfully bantered back and forth like siblings for a couple of minutes. Y/n did something I never thought she would do. She insinuated that his mother bought him Mega Blocks instead of legos. He slammed his hands on the desk which made me and the rest of the class jump a bit to scream at her to take it back. She burst out laughing and fell to the floor which made me smile at her. She is so adorable. Mr. Aizawa explained what was going to happen at the Sports Festival, but I was to busy watching Y/n laugh to pay attention.

We were then directed to go get changed, but before I could Niko materialized out of nowhere and grabbed my arm. She looked around to make sure we were alone and pulled me into an empty storeroom. I grew a little nervous. What is she doing? She got an evil smirk on her face and took out some rope. She pushed me onto a chair and tied me up.

"What are you doing?" I asked scared she was gonna do something bad.

"Tying you to a chair," she responded with another smirk.

"But why," I questioned confused.

"Because I'm not about to let you convince any girls in Class 1-A to wear that skimpy cheerleader outfit," she said glaring at me. "And to protect Y/n from your lecherous gaze."

I gulped nervously, "How did you know about that?"

She gave me another evil smirk and her eyes started glowing red, "Because I know everything that will ever happen. I am the author."

"Author of what?"

"None of your business. Now if you'll excuse me I have a festival to watch. You will not be participating," she said with a sickening sweet smile and her eyes returning to normal.

I started to scream out hoping that someone would be close by to help me, but she stuffed her scarf in my mouth which reduced my screams to whimpers.

"No one will help you out of this." She giggled. "Oh and you better not tell anyone about this. You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your precious Y/n would you?"

I stared at her in shock. Is she for real? She wouldn't really hurt Y/n would she? She gave me a knowing look. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she knew what I was thinking. She snorted and gave me one last triumphant look before walking out of the room and locking it. I did exactly what she said. I didn't want Y/n to get hurt. I sat there in complete darkness waiting for the festival to be over so Niko would let me out.

After a while, I was convinced she forgot about me and I would wither and die tied to a chair in an empty storeroom that no one ever goes into. I started to cry tears streaming down my face in torrents. I don't know how long I cried. I just know it was a really long time. Finally, I heard the door open and Niko walked in. She was wearing the cheerleader outfit I wanted to see Y/n in. She took her damp scarf out of my mouth and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you so much," she said with a guilty look on her face.

I sniffed and said in a thin voice, "It's fine. Can I go now?"

"Sure," she smiled while untying me.

If I can just get out of here, I can tell someone about what she did.

She sighed and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, my eyes grew heavy and I slipped off into a deep, dreamless sleep. When I awoke, I was in Recovery Girls office. How did I get here? The last thing can I remember was Niko grabbing my arm and...nothing. What happened after that? Recovery Girl walked in with Niko right behind her and smiled at me once she saw I was awake. Niko walked over to me with a closed eye smile. For some reason, I started getting really scared like she was someone to be afraid of. She leaned closer to me and whispered threateningly.

"Try and tell someone now"

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