Side Chapter: Koruzi Hazume

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An: Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting on my book. 😊 also this chapter is a bit different than the others. I was asked by BellexxChan if I could put her oc in the story so I thought why not. If you want your ocs to be put in the story, DM me your Ocs info and I'll put you in a side chapter. ✌🏻

Somewhere In Hosu City

Everything was going great until I was caught. I should probably back up a bit. My day started out normal. I woke up, went to school, went home, did my homework, and played with my dog. I got changed into my vigilante outfit and went out the window. I used the fire escape like always to get to the roof. I then sit on the edge of the building with my legs dangling off.

I quietly hum a song while deciding where to start my patrol. I finally decide to go easy today and just check the alleyways to make sure there isn't any funny business going on. Since there are a lot of alleyways in Hosu, I got started immediately. I skipped happily along the rooftops using my force fields to make a path in between the buildings.

Suddenly I heard a loud screaming coming from an alleyway two buildings over. I carefully ran over to see what was going on. When I got there, I could see a tall skinny man attacking what looked like a defenseless man. Upon a closer look, I realized that the man on the ground was the pro hero called Ingenium. I need to help him.

I quickly threw a force field in front of the injured hero. In doing that, the tall mysterious man turned to look in my direction. He started a monologue that I have no intention to listen to. Instead I elected to go to Ingenium to see if he was still breathing. Indeed he was, but he was critically injured. Turning back to the stabby man, I glared at him. He seemed kinda
confused that I didn't scream and run away the moment I saw him.

Getting over his shock he lunged at me to try and stab me. Luckily for me one of my quirks is a force field. His attempts to stab me were unsuccessful. His knives bounced harmlessly off of my bubble of protection. Looking him in the eyes I took out my phone and called the police telling them everything. He looked very annoyed that his attack on the pro hero was cut short, but left when he heard the police sirens.

Once I was sure he was gone, I turned back to Ingenium who was looking at me in surprise. I assessed his injuries and did not like what I found. I sighed and used my other quirk to heal some of the wounds. I had only healed some of the injuries when I heard someone call out. I snapped my head up to see some police officers and some other pro heros whom I don't know off the top of my head.

I scrambled to my feet, turned, and tried to run knowing that if I'm caught I would get in lots of trouble. Since I'm not a pro hero, I'm not supposed to use my quirks. I didn't get very far though. I overused both my quirks with the force fields and healing Ingenium so he didn't die. When I turned to run, I immediately tripped over nothing. Too exhausted to try getting up again, I slowly blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital bed not sure if I was still in Hosu. A nurse came in to check my vitals and give me food. Once she saw I was finished eating, she let in some pro heros, some police, and a mouse looking thing. The police explained that because I was using my quirks without a license I would be going to jail. I panicked for a bit until Mr. Mouse gave me another option.

He said if I wanted to I could transfer to U.A. in the hero course. Obviously I chose to transfer into U.A.'s hero course. He clapped his hands and told me that I would be placed into Class
1-B. He then told me that I would be transferring in a couple of days. Then everyone left. Before the pros left, however, they thanked me for helping their comrade and friend. Since I was still tired from using my quirks so much, I decided to go back to sleep.

Basic Info

Name: Koruzi (first) Hazume (last)
Nicknames: Koji, Kozu-Chan, Zii-Chan, and Zume-Chan
Age: 14
Height: unknown
Weight: unknown
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Light brown with purple fade
Skin color: peach

Personality: • she's very bubbly so when she gets caught people have trouble believing she is a vigilante.
• she has been practicing fighting techniques since she was small so she's good at it
• she is also sarcastic sometimes
• she is very optimistic so she always looks on the bright side
• felt like she couldn't be a hero so she became a vigilante

Quirks: 1) Heal
Description: can heal any minor injuries instantly. Any major injuries heal faster but not instantly like the minor ones. Can heal other peoples injuries to an extent
Weaknesses: can tire the user if it's used too much. Drains the user faster when used on another person. To regain their strength, the user either has to sleep or eat something.

2) Protect
Description: user can make force fields to protect themselves without effort. They can project their force fields to cover other people. They can also throw the force fields like a frisbee to hit their enemies. User can use their force fields as a path.
Weaknesses: if used too much, user can pass out from the effort.

Visual (art by BellexxChan ):

Visual (art by BellexxChan ):

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