Side Story: Day out with Uraraka

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A/n: This takes place before the UA entrance exams.

Your POV

When I woke up Saturday morning, I saw I got a text from Uraraka. I decided to check it after I fed and watered Bubbles. I opened her message.

Uraraka: Hey. Do you want to hang out today? I thought we could go to the mall.

Y/n: Sure. I have to ask if it's ok first.

Uraraka: Ok. Text me when you know

After talking with Uraraka, I decided to text All Might to see if it was ok. I was supposed to train today, but maybe I can convince him to let me have a day off.

Y/n: hey. A friend asked if we could go to the mall today. Is it ok for me to have a day off?

All Might: I'm coming over.

Y/n: ?????

After a couple minutes, I heard knocking on my door. When I opened it, I saw an excited All Might. I let him in and he started explaining why he came over. Apparently he wanted to make sure I had enough money to go. I told him I had $20. He then handed me a piece of plastic.

"All Might......Is this your credit card?"

"Yes Young L/n. I want you to have a good time with your friend. Also didn't you tell Young Midoriya that you needed more clothes? You can't buy a lot with $20."

"That's really nice of you."

"Also don't forget your phone, wallet, and keys. And don't forget to lock your door before you leave."

"Ok dad..."

As soon as I said that, I froze and looked up to see All Might getting misty eyed. Did I really just call the number one hero All Might dad?

???? POV

"Yes you did"

Your POV

"You see me as a father figure?" All Might asked teary eyed


"This makes me really happy for some reason. Anyway I should get going and you should get ready."

As soon as he left, I banged my head against a wall. That was sooo embarrassing. I should probably text Uraraka to tell her I can go.

Y/n: it's ok for me to go. What time do you want to meet up?

Uraraka: is 1:00 ok?

Y/n: yup. See you then :)

Looking at the clock, it said 10:30. Great. I have time to take a shower. After taking a shower, I went to my room to decide what to wear. I looked at the time to see how much time I had to decide. The clock said 11:15. I looked through my closet and decided on this:(minus the hat)

 I looked through my closet and decided on this:(minus the hat)

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I looked at the time once more and it said 11:52. I decided to leave now so I wasn't late. I grabbed the credit card All Might gave me and put it in my wallet. I then put my wallet and phone in my pockets. I made sure to say buy to Bubbles because I was still in hot water for accidentally stepping on her tail.

I locked the door and headed to the mall. Halfway there I realized I was lost. I went to pull up directions on my phone and noticed I got a text from Bakugou. I decided to ignore him until I was home. I got the directions and made it to the mall at 12:45. Good I'm 15 minutes early.

Y/n: I'm waiting at the entrance

Uraraka: ok. I'm almost there.

Y/n: ok

I browsed instagram until Uraraka showed up. Once she showed up, we walked around until we got to a clothes store. I asked her if we could go in because I needed to buy new clothes. She agreed and we went inside. After an hour, I had found four tshirts, two shorts, a dress, a skirt, some socks, a new pair of shoes, and a cute keychain.

Uraraka was worried that I wouldn't have enough money to get all of it, but I assured her that I should have enough. I saw Uraraka looking at the keychain I had so I decided to buy a matching one for her too. She looked shocked that I bought her one too and tried to deny it. After a while, I convinced her to take it a a token of our friendship.

After clothes shopping, we went to get some food. I treated Uraraka to some food as well since I know her family doesn't have a lot of money. When we were done, it was 5:00. Uraraka had to go home so we said our goodbyes. Before I left, I got up my courage to ask her a question.

"Is it ok if I call you by a nickname since we're friends now?"

"Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking Ochachan."

"Ok. I'll call you N/n."

"Bye Ochachan." I waved.

"Bye N/n." She waved back.

I walked back to my apartment with my clothes in hand. I unlocked the door and walked in. I made sure to shut and lock the door behind me. I put my new clothes in my room and went to get some food. I went to pet Bubbles but she wasn't having any of it. I guess she's still mad.

I remembered that Bakugou texted me earlier so I quickly went to see what he wanted before I went to sleep.

Bakugou: Are you free next weekend?

Y/n: I think so. Why?

Bakugou: We're going to see the new movie that just came out and get some lunch. Wear something nice.

Y/n: is this considered a date?
Read 8:30

"Did this bitch just leave me on read?" I wonder out loud.

???? POV

"Yes he did"

Your POV

I decided to ignore his rudeness since he's rude all the time and just go to bed. Before I went to bed, I made sure to apologize to Bubbles one last time. Today was fun. I thought as I fell asleep.

A/n (2): This is longer than I thought it would be.

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