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It was a normal day for Y/n L/n. She was sitting on her bed looking at My Hero Academia memes on her phone.  Her cat Bubbles was at her bedroom door scratching and meowing to be let in. Y/n looked up from what she was doing and got up to let her cat in.

"Hey, Bubbles. What doth yee need?"

Bubbles looked up at her, meowed, and pawed her leg. Y/n looked at the time on her phone and pterodactyl screeched. She realized she forgot to feed her cat. She then Naruto ran into her kitchen to get the cat food. She poured it into the cat bowl and got on her knees.

"Lord Bubbles, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll never forget your food again."

Bubbles ignored the sorry human and monched on the food. While Bubbles was eating, the doorbell rang. Y/n got up off the floor to get the door. When she opened it, she saw a delivery guy.

"Hello. Is this Y/n L/n?"


"You have a package. Please sign here."

"I didn't order anything, but ok."

Y/n signed for the package and shut the door curiously looking at the package. I wonder what it is. She went and got a knife to cut the tape. When she opened the package, there was a note and a game for PS4. The note said:

Congratulations Y/n,

You have been selected to try out a new My Hero Academia game that hasn't been released yet. Please try it out and tell us how you like it.

Sincerely Your Friendly Game Designer

That's weird, she thought. But oh well, it looks like a fun game. Imma play it right now.

She went to her room and set up her PS4. She put the game into the console and turned it on. The game started to download important files.

"I'm so exited to play this!"

Once the game downloaded everything, the tv screen went white. She tried to turn it off but the screen remained pure white.

"That's weird. I'll have to tell the game designer that it doesn't work."

She went to restart her PS4. As she touched it, she was blinded by a bright light. She couldn't see but as suddenly as it came the light was gone.

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