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Hey guys, Jess here!

*In the tune of "Happy Birthday"*🎶 Merry Christmas to you, here is some angst (la, la, la, la, la, la 🎶)!

This chapter is a bit on the shorter side (19.7 pages/ 6,764 words) but it's long overdue (at least in my opinion). That being said, still take breaks as needed!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Your intel checked out" Shiro began calmly, as if he was trying to disperse all the tension your storm of accusations had caused.

"You still feign surprise" Lotor noted, his smirk only growing wider as he rattled off his attempts to win your team over. "All of the information I've given, proven correct. Every target I've provided, easily dispatched. Your eyebrows furrowed as an accusing hint came to his tone, it sounded like he was attempting to guilt-trip you all. "And yet, you still look at me--"

"-As if you were the leader of the most bloodthirsty race of murderers this universe has ever known" Allura finished his sentence flatly, continuing to give him a steely glare as she confidently held her arms out to her sides.

"Can people not change?" Lotor remarked, his smug grin falling even more as he gazed at you with his eyebrows upturned, almost wistfully. All his earlier claims didn't faze you, but this one made you flinch, Keith's change of heart immediately coming to mind.

"Well yes" you relied somewhat awkwardly, flinching as Keith's change of heart immediately came to mind. "But that doesn't mean that we should simply overlook all that you've done to us. You must right your wrongs before we can even consider trusting you."

"Isn't that not what I've been doing for the last entire movement?" he contradicted smoothly, standing back up again to face you. "I have given you target after target in the Galra empire and all of them have been dismantled or destroyed at no cost of life to you. Not to mention I've I saved your lives and the lives of all your comrades."

There was just so much confidence radiating off of him, as if he were taunting you. "(Y/n), you're the silver paladin, you of all people should be able to see what the right thing to do here is." You were almost surprised that he was trying to appeal to you after all your accusations earlier, but soon let out a huff as you realized it as a trick. All his attempts to sway you were really starting to get on your nerves.

"I still do not trust you Lotor" you declared lowly, shaking your head dismissively as your piercing voice grew taut. "You may be helping us out at the moment, but what's to say that you won't stab us in the back later on? "I know your type far too well Prince Lotor; you do all these good things in order to trick others into fulfilling your own selfish desires."

As your tone grew even more venomous, your mind began to shift elsewhere. Your fiery glare was burning up at Lotor as much as ever, but your vision had become distorted, as if you were seeing someone else instead. "You use people for your own benefit without remorse.

And I'm not going to let myself get manipulated by egotistical jerks like you any longer!" As soon as those words left your mouth your pupils constricted, realizing who you were scolding as your eyes refocused on Lotor. You took a feeble step back, as if you were afraid to see how he'd react.

"I'm afraid you're letting your own personal prejudices cloud your judgement" he coolly reprimanded you, an air of importance coming to his voice as he spoke with even more authority. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt at first, but I cannot deny the truth any longer.

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