Swords And Deals

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Hello everyone, Jess here!

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this chapter let me know, I'd like to hear from you :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

You had just finished training with the others. After forming voltron three times, your lion could transform without you jumping out of your seat. When voltron flew some laps around the planet, The others got some practice with moving the arms and legs. You on the other hand just felt your heart sink lower and lower. You knew you were important to voltron, but you couldn't punch through metal like Pidge and Keith. Even Lance could kick a ship with his lion. Granted, you still were still sore from the fall afterwards, but it could come in handy some day. You couldn't say the same thing about yourself.

Even though your heart felt heavy, you were glad that the others seemed happy. Lance's Hunk's and Shiro's faces were plastered with grins. Pidge had dark bags under her eyes, but she still wore a small smile on her face. Keith was, well.... Keith. He was still scowling as usual and crossing his arms. Maybe he was even more grumpy than usual, you couldn't tell.

"Great job training today guys!" Shiro began cheerfully. "We're really getting the hang of forming voltron!"

"Seriously, how far do you think my lion kicked that broken alien ship?" Lance asked confidently. Seeing him like that brought a small simile to your face. Even though you never really talked it seemed like he was kinda depressed at the garrison. You plastered a fake smile on your face and and turned to him.

"I don't know how that's helpful, but who knows? It might be someday" you added on, your voice as cheerful as you could force it. Keith however thought differently.

"Yeah if the Galra challenges us to a soccer match" he responded sarcastically. He had taken a tone so serious and mean that you felt like you should intervene.

"Drop the attitude right now Keith" you responded coldly. You then turned to Shiro. "Shiro, aren't we supposed to be working as a team?" Shiro was about to respond, but Keith cut him off.

"You're one to talk about teamwork y/n." He responded, lowering his voice while continuing his fiery glare towards you. When your glare turned to match his and your (e/c) orbs locked onto his vlioently purple eyes, shiro spoke up.

"All right, save your energy for fighting Zarkon" he scolded, turning his gaze to the both of you. He turned to Keith and continued. "(y/n) is right, you need to be working as a team." Coran entered the dining room, carring a metal platter with a lid and bearing a cheerful grin. He turned his attention to the six of you and said,

"Hello everyone, how was the voltron workout?"

"We're getting there" Shiro responded calmly. You felt him glance at you with concern before he continued. "Are you and Allura almost done fixing the castle so we can leave this planet? I feel like sitting ducks on Arus." When he said that last phrase, corans raised and eyebrow. Coran replied,

"Just about. In the meantime, to get your mind off those duck seats you're worried about, I made you guys an authentic paladin lunch!" As he said that last line, he raised the lid to reveal some sort of monster. You gazed it suspiciously, it didn't look anything like "authentic paladin food". You couldn't tell what is was. It looked like one of those cheap green stress balls with holes gone wrong. It had light green worm like appendages spewing from every hole. You winced and pinched your nose as the rotten fumes from it met your nose. The others didn't seem too happy about it either.

"Come on Coran, you just got me hooked on that goo, and now you're switching it up!" Hunk complained. Even though you thought that Hunk could have been nicer about it, he had a point. The food goo wasn't your favorite, but you could tell by the stench and appearance that it was nothing compared to the beast in front of you.

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