A Sliver of Hope

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is about the same length (17.8 pages/ 6,015 words), but please take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*There is a Warning later in this chapter

*(non d/h)=non-dominant hand(ignore or choose one if ambidextrous)

White bursts of energy shot from your index fingers like laser beams at the drones in the control room. You've gained a better handle on manipulating quintessence from all your recent experience with emitting, allowing you to split up one lighting strike into several smaller attacks to conserve energy. But they didn't always hit their target, especially when you were using your (non d/h). The pesky drones had started to move on you.

You had nowhere near the reaction time nor the precision of the fighter alongside you. Half the time you were simply marveling at Lance's skill level; he had even started to use his Altean broadsword against your robotic foes! You watched in awe as he finished the last of them off, the spheres splitting and combusting on impact. He took his helmet off, wiping his brow before turning to you with a grin.

"Nice shots today (Y/n)!"

"Thanks, although I'll never be the sharpshooter that you are" you acknowledged.

"Very true, but I still find it a bit weird that you're using that mind control device like that" His eyes narrowed as he pointed at the newly forged carrier strapped to your back. As a reward for healing Olkarion, Slav, Hunk, Pidge, and Coran had used the full programming of the mind control device from Lotor to convert it into a portable emitter of quintessence, connecting it to a vial that now lay comfortably against your back.

"It is a bit... strange" you trailed off, glancing over your shoulder at it. "But I can't rely on Allura for quintessence all the time. And with Lotor on the Galra throne, I have a pretty stable supply of their quintessence."

"Oh, hello Lance, (Y/n)" chimed Allura as she waltzed into the room, greeting you both with a nod before her eyes landed on you. "Do you mind if I interrupt your training for a moment?"

"Sure, I was wrapping up anyways" you replied as you followed her into the hall. "So, you're going to take that first trip into the quintessence field with Lotor?"

"Yes, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" she offered. "You were instrumental in the completion of this project."

"I can't take too much credit" you waved off. "I just gave it some practice with collecting purified quintessence at the end. I wasn't involved in the alchemic process nearly as much as you were, so I don't really deserve that honor. Besides, I get enough quintessence exposure on the regular.

And I wouldn't want to intrude on your moment with Lotor" you crossed your arms, a smirk spreading across your lips as an idea formed in your head. "This would be the perfect opportunity for you two to get closer. I mean, you're going into the quintessence field together! I can't think of anything more magical than that."

"Well if you insist" she relented, her simile softening at your efforts.

"Go get your man Allura!" you encouraged before you parted ways. Before you knew it, you had gathered with the rest of your team in the control room, watching them start up their ship from every angle on the screen ahead.

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