Looks Like I Win Kogane

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Hello everyone, Jess here!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

When you walked back in the control room, you where met with wide smiles from Pidge, Allura, Coran, and Hunk. Shiro had a small smile as well, but his forehead was still creased with worry. You raised an eyebrow at him. Was he still worried about confronting Keith or was something else on his mind?

"Hey, um thanks to taking me to the infirmary Shiro. You said quietly, a small smile on your face.

"It's the least I could do since you let yourself get tortured instead of me." He responded gently.

"How are you feeling y/n?" Allura asked in the same tone, causing you to turn your head her way. It was nice to know that she and the other paladins cared about you. Well, not everybody, a certain red paladin wasn't there. You sighed in annoyance, but you didn't expect him to care anyways. Then, a puzzled expression appeared on everyone's faces. Did they think you were mad at them?

"I'm not mad at you guys" you responded in a gentle tone, smiling once more. "I'm feeling much better, thank you." Those healing pods truly were magical, It was as if you were never shocked by Sendak. All the pain was gone!

Then you felt a wave of worry wash over you as all your emotions from before were coming back. You remembered how helpless you felt when Lance was dying. You remembered how awful it felt when you feared for Lance's life. Your heart hurt as you recalled that Pidge was going to leave team voltron. The healing pods were great, but they could never heal you of these pains.

"Wait, where's Lance?" You exclaimed in a worried tone.
"Oh, he's in a healing pod" Coran replied causaly. You felt the wight lift from your shoulders and you sighed in relief. You were glad that Lance was okay. Then you turned to Pidge so that you could deal with your other worry.

"So Pidge, are you still leaving?" you asked, your heart heavy with the possibility of her still leaving. You hoped that she would change her mind, but in the end it's still her decision to make.

"No, I can't leave you guys, you are like a family to me" Pidge responded firmly, causing you to perk up and smile wide. "We need to stop Zarkon for all our families!"

"That's great Pidge, I'm glad to have you back" you responded in a cheerful voice. You were overjoyed because of that news, but you were still wondering how Sendak got defeated.

"So Pidge, what happened With the Galra?" you asked her, raising an eyebrow. "I was there when Sendak took control of the castle, but I don't know the rest."

"Well when Keith and Allura went outside, the Galra put up a particle barrier around the castle, preventing them from getting in" She explained. "I happened to still be in the castle. I went down to the main power room with Allura and with the mice's help, we shut down the particle barrier and the boosters they would need to leave. Then we attacked Sendak. Hunk and Coran put a new crystal into the ship."

"Wow!" you responded, amazed. "I missed out quite a bit."
"Yeah, you missed seeing me fight Haxus and Sendak!" she replied, pride in her voice. She was two years younger than you, and yet she was stronger than you. You felt a bit ashamed as you realized that, but you were happy for her anyways.

"Nice Pidge!" you congratulated her. Then, your voice became lower as you continued. "You actually helped a lot, unlike me."

"Don't beat yourself up y/n!" she scolded you, literally shaking you out of your trance by the shoulders. Her voice became kinder and she stopped shaking you. "We wouldn't have been able to take down Sendak if it wasn't for you taking the hit for Shiro. Besides, didn't you protect Lance?"

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