You're My New Dream

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Hey guys, Jess here!

For this chapter, I drew a much-needed updated version of (Y/n), complete with the enlarged white streak and other details that are to be revealed in this next part of "His Rival". 

This chapter is more of a normal length (16 pages/ 5,568 words), so please take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Everyone had gathered in the hull of your lion. You had just put Shiro back in the pod, waiting for it to calibrate.

"How is he?" you asked Allura as she held her hands to the crystal azure surface, their faint glow reflecting off the glass as she checked on his life force. As soon as those words left your mouth, the status screen finished loading.

"It'll take another fourteen vargas for him to be fully healed" she read off. "But he'll be alright."

"So, what do we do now?" Lance wandered, looking around the room.

"Well, we don't have to stick around here" Pidge indicated. "Our lions' power cores are fully charged."

"That makes sense after we were in the quintessence field" Hunk commented. "That place must've completely recharged them." You nodded in agreement, ready to start your journey.

"What are we waiting for then?" Lance exclaimed on the same train of thought, jumping into the air. "Let's hit the road!" Someone was clearly excited to reunite with his family, and he wasn't alone.

"Not so fast" Coran chided, his slick tone stopping you all in your tracks. "While it's true that your lions are at full power, they'll run out sooner or later, and we won't have the castle to recharge them when we need it."

"What are you saying Coran?" Allura asked.

"We'll need to have something else on standby" He deduced, holding his chin as he formulated a plan. "And lucky for us, we're on the Dalterian belt, home to the element Faunaonium."

"Faunaonium?" Lance repeated, raising a brow. None of you have heard of such a thing before. "How will that recharge the power cores?"

"Well you see, it involves gluon field fluctuations-" Coran began, only for Lance to interrupt his rambling a second later.

"You know what? Never mind. Magic or something? Sure."

"Not far off" Coran maintained, not losing one ounce of his pep. "We can use the element to expand the energy particles within the cores once they start running low to save us some time. Who knows, it may be just what we need to get ourselves out of a sicky situation later on, and we may not get another opportunity like this for a while. We shouldn't let it slip past us."

"That's... actually a good idea Coran" Keith reckoned.

"that's not just good, that's genius!" you added with a smile. Kudos to him for thinking so far ahead.

"Ah shucks!" he gushed. "Now let's go find ourselves some Yalmors!"

"Wait, wait, wait, there are Yalmors on this planet?" Hunk stammered. His plan made sense, but he was jumping too quickly from one part of it to the next for anyone to follow.

"How do you think we find the Faunaonium?" Coran answered, like it should've been obvious. Those Yalmors have a nose for the stuff. It shouldn't take all nine of us to find one though, and large groups are known to scare them off. "You know what, how about you two stays back?" He pointed his fingers at you and Keith. "I think you could use a break from your leadership duties."

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