You're Going To Regret That!

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is a bit shorter than the last one (36.5 pages/12699 words) but taking breaks is still recommended.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

You felt warm, comfortable, happy, and safe when you woke up, but those feelings went away as soon as you realized what was going on. Your heart started to race and your pupils constricted in fear when you noticed that you were currently hugging Keith around his waist and he had his arms loosely wrapped around your back. What the heck?! How did you get into this position? You must have sub-consciously hugged him while you were asleep! Gosh, this was embarrassing.

Before you let your racing mind get too carried away, you quickly ripped your arms off of his waist. This accidentaly jerked Keith awake. When Keith realized what was going on, his face and neck became red and his breathing became ragged. You were still close enough to feel his warm breath up against your face and neck, which was only inches away from his. He quickly tore his arms off of your back and moved towards his side of the bed. Keith seemed to be shocked and a bit terrified as he stared at you.

"Why were your hugging me" Keith breathlessly stammered, His voice jittery.

"I don't know, why were your hands around my back?" you frantically fired back in the same tone. You tried to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. While you did so, you wondered why this kept happening between you and Keith. You were certain it had nothing to do with feeling of affection for each other since you were rivals, so there had to be some other reason. You thought that maybe it was because the both of you have been emotional wrecks recently. Keith seemed to have the same idea.

"This whole situation is probably just making us delusional" Keith sheepishly reasoned while scratching the back of his neck and averting your gaze.

"Yeah," you replied, trying to sound calm as you stared at your bed. "We'll probably be back to being rivals like normal once everything is fixed."

Even though you had calmed down a bit, you were still freaked out by what happened with you and Keith and your mind was still racing. You needed to do something to get your mind off of it, so you decided to continue with your mission to get Keith back on the team.

"I should go get the security footage from Pidge" you muttered under your breath as you raced towards your bathroom to get ready for the day.

After you got ready for the day and quickly ate something from the kitchen, you jogged to the green lions hangar to look for Pidge. Since you didn't find her there, you went to the control room next.

When you ran inside the control room, your attention immediately darted to the huge screens. They were like windows, displaying the landscape of an unfamiliar planet. The planets surface was charred and black, with streams of lava. The sky was smoky and gray, Illuminated by the fire of distant volcanoes. The entire planet seemed to be very volcanic and a bit unstable, so why were you here?

"Hello (Y/n)" Shiro greeted you, jerking your attention away from the screen and towards him. A slight smile came to your face when you saw him, but you became a bit worried when you saw the slighty troubled expression on his face. He was probably still upset about the situation with the team and Keith. You decided to talk to him since it could help him get his mind off of the situation.

"Hey Shiro" you replied in a casual tone. "Do you know where we are and why were here?"

"We're on planet Kazan because the rest of the team is trying to find their replacement for Keith." Shiro explained, disappointment in his voice. Your smile fell as you heard his response, So that's why Shiro seemed upset. You stayed silent for a second as you searched for something to say that'd comfort him.

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