Be Careful What You Wish For

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is one of my longest yet (39 pages,/13,436 words) so please take breaks if needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Hi Keith" you greeted, smiling from ear to ear as he accepted your transmission.

"Oh hey (Y/n), why did you call me for?" he asked, his tone a bit curt as if you were annoying him. This caused you to scoff, soon firing back a reply.

"Can't I just talk to my boyfriend?"

"Just teasing" he responded smugly, making you roll your eyes as you let out an exasperated sigh. "But seriously I have a mission first thing the morning, so-"

"Okay, are you free afterwards?" you questioned, biting the side of your lip in apprehension.

"The Blades give us the evenings off, so I should be" he answered matter of-factly. "Why do you ask?" You took a deep breath before you continued, your heart rate quickening ever so slightly.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow, the place said its free for us paladins."

"Wait, are you asking me out on a date?" he teased, only growing more intrigued. To this you just rolled your eyes, but you weren't going to deny the truth.

"Yeah actually, here's the place." You quickly typed in the location and sent it, Keith's slate beeping when he received it almost instantaneously.

"I'll see you there at 6:15 then" he concluded, giving you his beloved smile as he nodded at you.

"Okay, goodnight Keith" you replied. and with that you ended the transmission and headed to bed, your heart still pumping a comforting warmth through your body.

When you met up with the others for breakfast the next day, everyone's attention turned to Lance as he bolted in the room and clumsily took a seat. Despite still taking his usual time for his morning skin routine and all, he had arrived much earlier than usual, which piqued everyone's curiosity.

"Woah Lance" Hunk gasped, his eyes widening as he noticed his friend's sporadic behavior. Lance was wearing a crazed look similar to the one that Coran was sporting these days. But unlike Coran something about it seemed sweet and genuine, like there was a layer of softness beneath all that excitement.

"Someone looks excited" you commented, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What's going on Lance?" Shiro asked from the head of the table, sharing your curiosity.

"Well Loverboy Lance's got a date today!" he exclaimed, his jubilant tone a bit jittery. And you couldn't help but grin when you saw how enthusiastic he was, realizing that Akira must've said yes. It was nice seeing him like this, especially considering the fact that it had been a while since he was so overjoyed.

"With whom?" Allura asked in her usual airy inquisitive tone, her eyes narrowing at the red paladin.

"Well I'd like to keep it a secret" he sheepishly replied. The more he tried to act calm, the more you realized he was nervous.

"Huh, okay" Pidge responded flatly, signaling that she too had figured it out already.

"Good luck Lance" you told him kindly, trying to encourage him. Once he was done shoving his breakfast down his throat he gave you a thankful grin, his expression becoming more relaxed as he glanced at you from across the table.

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