Party Time!

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Hey guys, Jess here! I took a little Christmas/Birthday Hiatus, but now I'm back... with fluff!

This chapter is on the longer side (27.2 pages/ 9,170 words) and you may need to stop at times due to fits of laughter(or at least I had to while writing it). So please take breaks as needed!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"I'll go notify Shiro and Coran of our plans" Allura chirped.

"Right, report to the kitchen in a few doboshes" you responded, increasing your pace as you followed her out the door.

"Yes ma'am" she noted with a cheeky smile, giving you a quick two finger salute once you caught up to her. You met it with a playful eye roll.

"I'm gonna get Pidge and Hunk" you called out as the two of you parted ways, speeding off to the green lion's hangar. As you ran through the halls, adrenaline seeped into your veins, only strengthening your determination and your focus on the mission. Within a minute or so you arrived at your destination, barely taking a second to catch your breath before you strutted through the doorway.

Upon entering, you spotted the pair hunched over at Pidge's desk. You didn't need to see their faces to know that they were zoned in on whatever they were doing on the computer. They were so deep in concentration that they didn't acknowledge your footsteps as you quickly yet carefully approached the duo from behind.

Your lips curled into a mischievous grin as you stepped lightly, stopping once you were close enough to strike. It wouldn't hurt to have a bit of fun before you requited them for your mission.

"Boo!" you shouted, cupping your hands around your mouth to amplify the sound.

"(Y/n)!" Pidge yelped as Hunk jumped in his seat, their stunned expressions making you chuckle with glee. And your cheer must've been contagious as grins spread to their faces, their attention now centered on you.

"So, I take it that program went well?" you deduced, observing the computer screen from over their shoulders.

"Yep, the new motherboard has been installed successfully!" Pidge proudly declared, earning a similar smile from you. You knew that she could do it.

"We were just looking over the status report" Hunk added on. Since they seemed to be finished, you wasted no time in doing what you came here for.

"Well now that you're done with that, could you two come with me to the kitchen?" you tried to sound as peppy as possible, not wanting them to be suspicious of your motives behind it. "We're gonna have a party!"

"Sure!" Pidge exclaimed as she hurriedly closed out of her software.

"You don't have to tell me twice" Hunk commented, the both of them practically leaping from their seats. And with that, you began to lead the pair out of the room, scurrying back towards the kitchen where Shrio, Coran, and Allura were waiting.

"So, what's going on here (Y/n)?" Shiro inquired as soon as you entered the room, eying you with mild, almost playful curiosity.

"Yeah, what are you up to?" Hunk added on, his raised eyebrow putting you even more on the defensive.

"Me? I'm not up to anything..." you nonchalantly answered with an innocent smile. If they all knew this was a plan, the party could seem forced, and that was the last thing you wanted.

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