Familiar Faces

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is around regular length (18.7 pages/ 6,367 words) so please take breaks if needed

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Everyone was at their stations in the control room when an alarm blared. It sounded and looked much different than a typical warning siren, with a red hexagonal icon on the screen ahead opposed to a triangular one and a low monotonous mechanical beep instead of a shrill blaring siren. The atmosphere suddenly tensed, what could this mean?

"What's going on?" Keith asked, a hint of curiosity in his stoic voice.

"Yeah, this seems different than a regular warning siren" you added on, unsure about this whole situation.

"These haven't gone off before" Pidge confirmed in her usual matter of fact tone.

"Allura, what is it?" Lance asked. When you heard the concern in his voice you glanced towards the Altean's behind you, who seemed to be frozen in shock.

"Looks like you guys just saw a ghost" Hunk remarked in a similar tone.

"That's just the thing, it's an old Altean distress code, one used by King Alfor's ships" Coran explained, still perplexed.

"Could it be?" Allura gasped, a tad of hope in her airy voice. "Are we not the last Altean's alive?" While you wanted it to be real for her you weren't so sure about it.

"How can you be sure that it's the real thing?" You asked, taking a skeptical tone as you arched an eyebrow at them.

"(Y/n)'s right, what if someone's cloning the signal to try and lure us in?" Keith cautiously stated.

"The signal is coming from an altean ship, and we're going to track it" Allura said calmly, not paying any attention to your warnings. She quickly generated a wormole, which took you to a low density asteroid field. When you saw the source of the signal you only became more confused.

It appeared to be an Altean ship after all, but there was only part of it and it was sticking out of something. It looked like a yellow/brown galaxy, but it couldnt be one because it was only a tad larger than the castle. On top of that it was radiating some sort of light or energy. The more you stared at it the more puzzled and intrigued you became. What the heck was that thing?

"That looks like a Tel-Galax exploration shuttle, one of my father's deep space vessels" Allura remarked fondly, not paying any attention to the anomaly surrounding the Altean ship.

"Yes, and the ship's identification code confirms that" Coran said, astounded as he typed on his holographic screen. "But I don't see any records of its destination or mission."

"What happened to it?" Lance asked.

"Is it stuck in a wormhole?" Hunk hesitantly guessed.

"That's unlike any wormhole I've ever seen" Coran remarked.

"There's a massive amount of energy emanating from it, centered around where the ship is stuck" Pidge informed.

"We have to see if anyone is on board" Allura said firmly. "They may need our help."

"We could send a probe over to it, see if we can get some kind of idea what this thing is?" Pidge suggested, wary of Allura's idea.

"Do it" Keith quickly ordered as he turned towards her. Pidge followed suit and sent out a small circular device, similar in style to your fighter drone.

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