A Change Of Heart

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Hello everyone, Jess here!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*Heavy Angst Warning (Fluff as well)
*Blood/Slight Gore Warning
*Trigger Warning

You were on your way towards the kitchen when the lights flicked off, leaving you in almost absolute darkness. A shiver ran down your spine as you realized the hallway was eerily quiet. Your heart started to race as you heard soft footsteps, which increased in noise and speed with every second. Someone was running towards you.

Your breathing became unsteady and you felt sweat run down your back as you turned around to face whoever was chasing you. You saw a familiar mullet and a pair of violently purple eyes. You heart was now pounding in your chest as you realized the identity of your chaser. It was Keith, and he was giving you a deadly glare that made you tremble with fear. This wasn't going to end well.

The next thing you knew, you were grabbed by the wrists and a dull, throbbing pain flowed through your body as you were slammed against the wall. Your wrists and head screamed in pain and your thoughts became a jumbled mess. You tumbled over onto the floor from the impact, barely conscious as you held your head in your hands.

You glanced upwards for a second and your eyes widened in fear as you saw a familiar blade covered with maroon splotches. Your eyes started to water and your lip began to quiver as the blade was quickly brought closer to your neck. You screamed as the cold blade grazed your skin, causing white hot pain to fill your as and tears rolled down your face. You screamed so loud that you felt your throat burn.

Then, you jolted straight up out of bed. Your palms were clammy, your heart was thrashing wildly, and your breathing was unsteady.

As you opened your eyes to examine your surroundings, you realized uou were in your dimly lit room inside the castle of lions. You calmed down a bit as you realized that you weren't in a dark hallway and Keith was no were to be seen.

After taking several deep breaths to calm yourself down, you grudgedly got out of your warm, cosy bed and you got ready for the day.

Even though you wanted more sleep, you couldn't go back to bed after that nightmare. It was extremely vivid and it felt too real, just thinking about it made you tremble. It had been a couple weeks since you had your last nightmare about the incident, but the one you just had was much worse than the usual ones. You figured it got worsened because of your argument with Keith as it had caused you to recall the incident.

Since you couldn't go back to bed, you decided you would go find Pidge. Pidge seemed to be the type who stayed up late to tinker with electronics and such, so you figured she was awake as well. Talking with Pidge could probably get your mind off of your nightmare.

You found Pidge in the green lions hangar, which had a variety of equipment and technology. It reminded you of science labs that you had seen back on Earth. As you examined the area, your eyes darted to the glowing purple crystal with a bunch of tubes connected to it. You cringed as you remembered when Sendak used it to take over the castle, but you tried to forget about it for now.

"Hey Pidge, what are you doing awake?" You asked her, turing to face her. Your voice became more playful as you taunted her. "Isn't it past your bedtime?"

"Just because I'm two years younger than you doesn't mean I have a bedtime (Y/n)" she fired back, giving you a small smirk. "We're in space, and I can go to bed anytime I want" Her tone became plain as she continued to press buttons on her holographic screen. "Anyways, I'm analyzing this galra crystal. How about you?"

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