You're Not Alone

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is HUGE, plot-wise and length-wise(41.1 pages /14370 words) so please take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

*Trigger Warning*

"Hey guys!" Hunk exclaimed in a joyful voice, jolting you from your sleep. "Come to the dining room, I've made breakfast!"

You groaned as you got up out of bed. Even though you wanted to lay in your bed some more, you were starting to feel hungry. Plus, Hunk was a great cook and you didn't want to miss out on his food.

After getting ready for the day, you raced to the kitchen. When you got there, everyone else was already sitting at the table. Excluding Keith and Lance, they were all in their usual outfits. Keith was still in his outfit from the previous night and Lance was in his armor. Because of what Lance was wearing, you assumed that he just got done with training.

Everyone had varying degrees of smiles on their faces as they talked about the locations the pink wormhole sent them. Pidge was excitedly rambling about the trash nebula while Lance was bragging about how he and Hunk saved a mermaid colony from a monster disguised as food. On the other hand, Keith didn't seem to be too excited his location since he was at a rocky planet with Shiro.

As soon as you sat down at the table between Pidge and Keith, Hunk came into the room with a huge platter of food and a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Hey everyone" Hunk said casually as he went around the table and placed what appeared to be a pastel green omelette or breakfast wrap onto everyone's plate. "It's been a while since we have all been together, so I decided to make breakfast for everyone."

"That's very kind of you Hunk" you remarked as you smiled back at him. Your smile grew wider when you took a bite of the wrap. It was warm, creamy, delicious, and it melted in your mouth.

"Oh I almost forgot, I made something for you to drink!" Hunk piped up excitedly as he raced out of the room. When he came back he had some orange drinks on the tray. He passed them out to everyone and then sat back down.

Even though you assumed that the wrap was delicious, you were a bit cautious about the cloudly orange liquid in the glass in front of you.

"What's in this Hunk?" You asked him as you tilted the cup and saw little reflective particles inside of it.

"Oh just some citrus juices from altean fruit and some natural sweetener" Hunk explained calmly. You decided to trust him about it since all of the food he had made for you before was great.

As soon as you took a swig of your drink however, you regretted your decision. It was so tart and bitter that it burned your mouth. It even tasted a bit salty!

You spit it out back into the cup and wiped your mouth off with a napkin. When you glanced acrosss the table you noticed that Lances disgusted expression mirrored yours while no one else seemed to have a problem with their drink. This caused your mind to start racing. What the heck was going on here?! Why were you and Lance the only ones affected? Did someone mess with the drinks?

Keith started to chuckle, so you jerked your head his way. He stopped laughing, but you narrowed your eyes at him since he still had a suspicious smirk on his face.

"Keith, did you do this?!" you growled at him. Keith's smirk grew wider in response, he didn't seem to care that you and Lance were currently giving him murderous glares.

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