Ready, Aim, Fire!

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Hey guys, Jess here!

This chapter is about the same length as the last (19 pages/ 6,263 words), but still please take breaks as needed!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Within a few weeks of your mission at Omega Shield Station, you and Pidge had finished your programs, ensuring that there'd be a line of defense in a worst-case scenario regarding Shiro. Of course, the issue of finding a replacement for the black lion was still left unsolved since you haven't been able to get in contact with Keith since that turbulent day.

But there hadn't been a reason to worry about that either. Shiro hadn't had any spasms since then, at least as far as you could tell. From your routine checkups on him, he also seemed to be taking his meds, but you weren't for sure if they were the deciding factor or if it was something else. Either way, things were surely calming down.

Even the state of the universe had grown a bit more docile recently. Or at least it seemed that way since you and your team were going on fewer and fewer missions with Lotor's forces taking the brunt of the fighting against Sendak. And even then, there was already less fighting with Lotor on the Galra throne, making it seem like you were truly on the path to peace. But that didn't mean your team had grown complacent by any means.

Coran and Lance became preoccupied with various projects inside the castle while Pidge and Hunk got themselves immersed in integrating Galran and Altean tech. When you weren't assisting them, Allura kept you busy with honing your abilities either at Olkcandis or the training deck.

At the same time, she also juggled working on the trans-reality comet ship with Lotor whenever he wasn't preoccupied with running his empire. With how busy the two of them had been recently, it was quite a surprise when they waltzed in the control room for the daily briefing.

"Lotor, Allura, what are you two doing here?" you asked, perking up at their sudden arrival. "I thought you were busy with that comet ship."

"We were, but if we are to successfully bring this universe to an era of peace, we cannot focus all our efforts and resources into one aspect" Lotor explained. "While it's imperative that we find a way to supply the Galra Empire with quintessence, we can't just sit by as Sendak's forces grow in strength. The more territories he gains and the more factions he sways to his cause, the harder it will be to stabilize the Galra empire in the future."

"So, where are we striking?" you inquired further. Judging by the looks on their faces, they already had a plan in mind.

"I've arranged a joint mission with the Aiernselians and Kazanians to topple prison camp G9-2" Allura answered.

"It's where some of the brightest minds in the universe have been held captive, forced to develop new technologies and weaponry for the Galra Empire" Lotor elaborated as several images flashed onto the center screen.

Some showed satellite images of a protruding grey lump of rock on a seemingly desolate planet, while side-view images revealed a narrow entrance with sentries and neon lights on either side. "It was once under the jurisdiction of my father, and now Sendak is using it to fuel his cause."

"Wait hold up, is that the base?" Lance interjected, drawing even more attention to the pictures straight ahead.

"Unbelievable, that thing is inside a massive cave!" Pidge realized, her eyes lighting up with glee. "It's using the planet's geological features as a natural defense system!"

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