A Risk We Have To Take

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Hey guys, Jess here!

I haven't had a chapter this long in a short while (32.6 pages/ 11,067 words) and it's quite significant. So please take breaks as needed!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know; I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Suddenly Pidge jumped from your tight embrace, pulling away as she was struck by a wave of determination.

"He's alive!" she frantically shouted, her eyes wider than you've ever seen as she began rambling. "Our Dad is alive! We have to get him back!"

"We're going to" her brother added on firmly, staying close by her side alongside you. "Shiro, what's the plan?"

"We can't rush into anything" he stated plainly, trying to keep a level head about the situation. "We have to think this through."

"What's to think through?" Pidge fired back, continuing to let her emotions dive her. "It's my Dad! We're doing this!"

"We need to operate under the assumption that Zarkon will try to double cross us" Shiro warned, trying to reason with her. But Pidge wasn't having it, her tone getting even louder as her frustration towards him grew.

"We have voltron, along with a potential superweapon on our side!" Hearing this last part made you flinch, your pupils constricting as that statement shook your heart. You were what now?! But that train of thought was soon interrupted. "We can do anything!"

"Pidge" Matt chided gently, his previously furrowed eyebrows upturning as he placed a hand on her shoulder. But she shoved him away, meeting his sympathetic gaze with a fiery glare that both pierced your heart and sent shivers down your spine. You had never seen Pidge this angry, ever! She was usually one of the most chill people on your team!

"No, we can't let this opportunity slip away!" she cried out, her voice shaking as she grew even more desperate. "We're too close! Our father is too close!" Your eyes reflected the pain in hers, your stomach twisting and tying in knots as you empathized with her plight. Pidge had every right to be this upset, heck, you'd probably feel the same if it was Keith or anyone else you held dear. But the others seemed to be dismissing her heart-wrenching approach, so you decided to step in.

"Pidge is right, we need to get Commander Holt back on our side" you spoke clearly with conviction, trying to stay as collected as you could while describing things from more of a logical standpoint. "And I'm not just going with my heart here, think about it.

He's one of the greatest masterminds to exist, and in the Galra's hands, that genius has likely been used to create their advanced ships and merciless weaponry, allowing them to subjugate countless peoples and spread their reign of terror across the universe.

Getting him back could be a significant blow to their forces. We can't let him be used to the benefit of the Galra empire any longer." Your jaw clenched as you finished, your voice only getting louder as you stressed you message. "We have to make this deal; we may never get another opportunity to retrieve him ever again!"

"You may have a vaild argument (Y/n), but you need to consider that is Zarkon we're talking about" Shiro replied sternly, his intent gaze becoming one of interest as he crossed his arms. It seemed like he was considering siding with you. "What if he were to double cross us?"

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