We Need To Talk

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Hey everyone, Jess here!

This chapter is normal length(26.7 pages/9,351 words) but taking breaks is still recommended.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

After you tumbled through the pink wormhole, you ended up in a place like none that you had seen before. The sky around you was many shades of yellow and green with freckles of white stars scattered across it. You seemed to be inside a nebula of sorts, but there was more to it than that. The entire place was full of floating gray and brown trash. Some of it was bigger than your lion while other pieces seeemed minuscule. You figured it was remains of ships, equipment, and other technology, but you weren't for sure.

As if on instinct, you grabbed onto your lions controls and pushed them forward so you could explore the terrain around you. Your forehead scrunched in confusion when you realized your lion wasn't moving. What was going on? None of your holographic screens were operational either. Something must have happened to your lion when you went through that wormhole since it was operational just minutes ago.

You were about to leave your lion and explore when you heard a familiar voice echo through your helmet.

"Huh?" What's the matter girl?" The voice sounded soft and full of concern, yet curious. Your helmet only connected you to the castles systems and to the other paladins helmets, so the voice had to belong to one of your team members. The voice was definitely feminine and it didn't sound as serene as Allura's, so that must be Pidge! She was probably talking to her lion.

"Pidge, Is that you?" you asked excitedly as a small smile came to your face.

"(Y/n)!" Pidge exclaimed. "Oh gosh, I'm so glad that I'm not the only one stuck in this trash nebula." Your smile grew wider as you heard her voice, that really was her!

"Yeah same here" you replied softly. A wave of relief washed over you as you realized you weren't alone.

"So what's our plan now that we're lost in space?" Pidge responded, her voice taking a more serious tone. You thought for a second before you replied.

"well, we obviously can't find the others since our lions are currenty unoperational, so we should probably give them some time to charge."

" while we're doing that, we can explore this place and catch up!" Pidge added on merrily. "We haven't been able to talk much recently."

After exiting your lion and scanning your surroundings for a couple of seconds, you spotted a figure in white armor with green details. That must be Pidge! You used your jet pack to race towards her while taking breaks every few seconds to run across any large, smooth surfaces on nearby floating debris.

When you got to Pidge, she was on top of a piece of debris the size of one of the Galra's battle cruisers. She had her arms full of various objects and a wide grin was plastered on her face. You were a bit curious about the trash she had collected because all of it was relatively small and oddly shaped. You didn't think there was much of a purpose for it, but Pidge probably had a reason for hoarding all of it.

"What is all of that for?" You asked her calmly as she sat down on an old crate and started to tinker with her debris.

"Well, I kinda miss the rest of the team" she admitted sheepishly. Her voice became more confident as she explained her reasoning. "I'm so used to being around the others, we're all like one big family! I decided to make models of them so that it feels like they are with us."

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