A New Plan

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Hey guys, Jess here! 

This chapter is relatively short (21.7 pages/ 7,413 words) but please take breaks as needed.

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

You woke up with a giddy smile on your face the next day, still overjoyed about what happened yesterday. Not only had Keith completely forgiven you for that fake-dating prank, but he had also confessed his love for you. Your rival of several years loved you! Just the thought of his confession and the kiss that followed caused your heart to melt.

The whole thing still felt so surreal, like it was too good to be true. But this wasn't a dream, it was reality. You really were Keith's girlfriend... Wait were you and Keith officially dating? You mustve forgot about that little detail yesterday because you were so swept away by everything that had happened. Since you had an important meeting to attend at the moment, you decided to ask him about it later. You got ready for the day, quickly ate breakfast, and then headed towards the control room.

"Good morning team" you greeted while smiling at Allura, Shiro, Coran, Kolivan, and Keith.

"Hey (Y/n)" Keith replied while giving you a gentle smile. You felt your expression become soft as you continued to fondly gaze at him, but you quickly averted your gaze when you recalled the meeting.

"When is the meeting going to start?" you asked, your voice becoming more serious.

"When the rest of the team gets here" Allura replied in a similar tone. "we're still waiting on Hunk, Pidge, and Lance." Less than seconds later pidge and Hunk burst into the room.

"Hey guys" Pidge said, her voice breathless yet cheerful.

"Hopefully we aren't late" Hunk anxiously added on. "Did we miss anything?" Then you heard a distant high-pitched shriek that jostled you out of your thoughts. It sounded like Lance, he was screaming like a litte girl! A smirk came to your face as you recalled why: his hair had probably just turned pink. Your heart started to race in anticipation, you couldn't wait to see the result of your prank!

"Not yet..." you replied in a mischievous voice as you and Keith exchanged knowing glances. Keith had a smirk on his face that rivaled yours, when you saw the expression on his face you knew that he was thinking the same thing as you were. The rest of the team on the other hand seemed to be confused and slightly worried.

"What's going on?" Hunk nervously stammered. He then whipped his head towards you and Keith. "Wait why are you two smirking like that?"

"Oh you'll be finding out soon" you answered coolly. "me and Keith just got some old-fashioned revenge on Lance." As if on cue, Lance ran into the room seconds later. When you saw his hair, you burst out in laughter. All of his slightly damp hair was hot pink, even his roots.

It was shiny and it had a pearlescent sheen, it reminded you of a cheap holloween wig. There was even some splotches of that color on his eyebrows. He looked completely ridiculous! You were now laughing so hard that tears were forming at the corners of your eyes and your chest felt tight, but you didn't mind.

Hunk, Coran, and Pidge seemed to be enjoying themselves as well, they were chuckling like crazy. Shiro and Allura were trying not to laugh so that they wouldn't hurt Lance's ego, but even they couldn't help themselves. On the other hand, Kolivan seemed to be doing a much better job at suppressing his emotions.

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