Fixing It

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Hello everyone, Jess here!

If you have any questions or comments about this chapter, let me know, I'd like to hear from you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Your mission on the balmera was going great until a huge grey object cake hurdling through the sky and crashed into the planet's surface. The six of you weres still combined into voltron and you were facing said object, your mind a bundle of neves.

"Please don't tell me there's a giant monster in there!" Hunk exclaimed. You rolled your eyes in response. Even though Hunk couldn't help it, he was just making you more nervous. The last time you fought a monster from the Galra, it wasn't a piece of cake.

"There probably is Hunk" you stated, your voice unsteady. "Or worse"

"If it's the same kind of monster that attacked us on Arus, we'll be able to beat it" Pidge added on. Voltron's shield and sword appeared, along with their status on your screen.

"Hold your ground!" Shiro commanded. Then you heard a huge thud as a huge monster emerged from the object. Unlike the previous one, it seemed to be all technology with red, black, cream, grey, and green details. It's head and arms seemed to resemble a birds, and it had slender legs and torso. It had glowing green spots for eyes as well as some more spots on the chest and back. You heard a low mechanical hum as it powered on and shot a green laser beam which hit voltron's shield.

Your seat and controls started to tremble violently as the pressure from the beam pushed you backwards. Your eyes widened in fear you saw the beam drain power from the sheild. This monster was definitely more powerful than the last one.

"This definitely isn't the same monster, if seems more powerful" you remarked, your voice strained. As voltron, you flew upwards and away from the monster as it continued to chase you and shoot at you.

"We need to draw its fire away from the balmera's surface" Shiro commanded as you dodged beam after beam. Then, voltron turned around and lunged at the monster. Keith swiped the sword at it, but it ducked. It twisted its laser eyes your way and shot you before you had a chance to evade.

The laser beam knocked voltron to the floor, causing you to wince in pain and jump out of your seat from the impact. Seconds later, your seat jolted you as voltron got back up in the air once more. You grimaced as you glanced at the power levels, you had suffered significant damage and the battle had just begun.

"We can't hold out!" Lance remarked as the shield took another massive hit. You cringed as you realized he was right. You wanted to stay positive abou the situation, but you were starting to lose hope. You couldn't defeat the monster if you had to spend all your time dodging it.

"Yep, and I feel my lion growing weak" Pidge added on, causing you to feel worse.

"Yeah, your lion is at 50% Pidge" you responded lowly. "And the shield only has about 20%"

"Wait, how do you know that?" Lance exclaimed. You facepalmed as you realized you had never told the others about that feature.

"All the power levels are on my screen" you explained. "I can start diverting power to the shield, but it will significantly weaken our boosters, which we need as well." Even though you tried to explain calmly, Lance was still shouting.

"Wait, you can do that?" he yelled, causing you to roll your eyes. He shouldn't be making such a big deal out of it when you had a a mission to focus on.

"Yes and I have been doing so" you responded plainly. "Anyways, we need to focus on the monster" Voltron continued to spin in circles as you were dodging the laser beams. You started to preform a sharp left turn, but Lance wasn't moving his lion in sync with the movement and there was a massive boulder ahead of him.

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